Page 45 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 45
20. Using the no. 6 bright, base the dark values of all leaves with Ivory Black+Sap Green+French Ultramarine. Base the remainder of the leaves with Sap Green+French Ultramarine+Titanium White. Vary the amount of Sap Green in the mix to appear a bit brighter in some areas, and cooler in other areas. Also vary the Titanium White in the mix, using light values in just a few places.
21. With the light leaf mix of Sap Green+French Ultramarine+Titanium White pull center vein lines in the leaves, using the lines as a guide for blending. Blend where the values meet using the chisel edge of the brush and fol- lowing the growth direction of the individual leaves.
22. Add leaf highlights with the light-value green mix from the previous step, plus additional Titanium White.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2014 43
23. Blend in the highlights in the same manner as before, using the chisel edge, working in the direction of growth. Add a few accents with French Ultramarine+Titanium White+Ivory Black, if needed. Using the leaf highlight val- ue, create interest by laying in more detailed vein structure and adding rolled edges to various leaves.