Page 46 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 46

   24. With the no. 4 bright and Ivory Black+Sap Green+ French Ultramarine base the dark areas of the sunflower’s stem. Using the no. 2 bright and the same mix apply the stem’s leaflets. Base light values with the light leaf mix of Sap Green+French Ultramarine+Titanium White. Base the sunflower petals with Raw Sienna. Using the chisel edge of the no. 2 bright with Raw Umber, chop in sparse shadow shapes around the seed head of the flower.
25. Blend where the basecoat values meet on both stem and leaflets. Add a little bit of the leaf highlight mix to the stem and to the tips of some of the leaflets for a lighter val- ue. Re-blend. Thin a bit of the same light mix with odorless thinner and, using a no. 0 bright, add a few suggestions of fine white hairs to the stem. Use cheesecloth to soften the end of the stem into the surface, and to blend out some of the flower’s details (making them less noticeable).
Using the no. 2 bright, base the remainder of yellow petals with Cadmium Yellow Pale+Raw Sienna+tch Tita- nium White.
Using the no. 2 bright chop an uneven, broken band of Raw Sienna inside the choppy bits of Raw Umber on the seed head. Inside that, chop in Cadmium Yellow Pale. Inside that, chop in Cadmium Yellow Pale+Sap Green.
26. Blend the values on petals where they meet, working in the direction of their growth. Add highlights of Cad- mium Yellow Pale+Raw Sienna+Titanium White to some of the dominant petals.
Dampen the no. 2 bright in odorless thinner and then tap with pressure on the areas of the seed head where the values meet until you have achieved a softer look. Next blend between colors. Patting this area with cheesecloth before beginning, and again during the process, will soften the look and allow you to control the strength of the color.
Once the colors are muted, use choppy strokes with the no. 2 bright and the light value of the yellowish mix to highlight the center.
27. Blend the petals where the values meet. Soften the highlights in the center of the seed head. Shade the inner- most center of the seed head with a small amount of Ivory Black+Sap Green.
28. Review your completed piece before proceeding.
  44 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2014

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