Page 60 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 60

With Titanium White, paint one side of the snowflake, inside of bowl, un- derside and ring of cover, and ball feet. I paint only one coat of white onto the lid ring and the ball feet until the bowl is almost finished. You may need two coats,
if one coat doesn’t cover well enough.
Using Deep Midnight Blue+Olde World Patina, paint the outside edge of cover,
sides, and bottom of bowl. This will give a metallic appearance and a nice smooth finish.
Using Deep Midnight Blue, paint the inside center of lid. Leave an unfinished area in the center unpainted, as the glue will adhere much better to the back of the
unfinished snowflake.
When all the background colors are dry, sand lightly, wipe clean, and spray ev-
erything with several light mists of DecoArt Americana Acrylic Sealer/Finisher. Al- low drying time between coats, and before you apply the designs.
Lightly sand the painted side of the snowflake with the green kitchen scrubby and wipe off any residue. Apply a light coat of Walnut Oil Alkyd to the surface of the snowflake with a paper towel.
Wad up a new piece of paper towel and dip it into the Loew-Cornell Odorless Brush Cleaner and Thinner. Open the paper towel and allow the cleaner to seep into it. This should be fairly moist, but do not totally saturate the towel. Re-wad the towel and dip it into a small amount of the Dark Blue Mix. This should be a fairly wet mixture. If it is too thick, the antiquing will be too dark. If neces- sary, add a bit more brush cleaner to the towel. Wipe lightly onto the surface
of the snowflake.
Lay a piece of plastic wrap on the antiqued surface. Press the wrap down
and move it a little to add texture. Grasp the wrap at the corners and lift quickly from the surface. Wad up the wrap into a ball and pounce it up and down on the antiqued surface, twisting the wrap as you pounce to give a
swirled appearance.
With a dry piece of paper towel wadded up, pounce more until the
color gets softer and softer. This should look much like a frosted window appearance. Keep the antiquing darker for the center of the snowflake and lighter toward the points of the snowflake. Allow the antiquing to dry completely. Spray with several light mists of DecoArt Americana Acrylic
Sealer/Finisher and allow to dry.
Apply the design, using transfer paper and being careful to position it nicely with the snowflake points. You are now ready to paint the design.
Following the Step-by-Step (see page 57), paint your design as follows:
With the no. 2 filbert, paint the scrolls with Middle Blue Mix by applying a stroke from the knob downward to the base. Leave a space unpainted on the

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