Page 50 - DPM3_Fall_2021_Flipbook
P. 50
2) True Red, 3) Watermelon Slice, 4) Scarlet, 5) Electric Pink, 6) dots with are Snow (Titanium) White+Electric Pink.
2.Shade at the base of the spikey forms with Deep Burgundy. 3.Paint in calyx and stem with the #2 brush and Thicket. Shade with
Black Green.
Ohia Tree Leaves
1. Basecoat leaves with two coats of Thicket; shade with Black Green and highlight with Purple Pizzazz, Warm Sunset or Ocean Blue.
Ohia Tree Berries
1. Red berries are painted with #2 round, flat or angle brush in four layers (dry between each layer): first layer Antique Gold, second layer is two coats of True Red, third layer shade with Deep Burgundy, fourth layer highlight with Watermelon Slice or Warm Sunset.
2.Yellow berries are painted with #2 round, flat or angle brush in three layers (dry between each layer): first layer is two coats of Antique Gold, second layer shade with Deep Burgundy, third layer highlight with Banana Cream or Warm Sunset, and/or Lemon Yellow.
3.Green berries are painted with a #2 round, flat or angle brush in four layers (dry between each layer): first layer is two coats of Hauser Medium Green, second layer shade with Black Green, third layer highlight with Irish Moss, fourth layer smaller highlight with Lemon Yellow.
1. All six ferns are painted with a #2 round brush and two coats of Hauser Medium Green. Dry between coats.
2.The three-lobe ferns are painted with two coats of Irish Moss.
3.The two-lobe ferns are a mix of Irish Moss+Burnt Umber (2:1).
4.Vein lines on all ferns are Burnt Umber. Let dry.
5.When dry, dot the three- and four-lobe ferns with stylus and Citron Green.
6.The dots on the two-lobe ferns are a mix of Citron Green+Hauser Medium Green (1:1/2).
7. Shade at the bottom of each fern with Black Green. TINY FISH
1. Float bodies with transparent Light Buttermilk and a flat, angle or #2 brush. When dry, float with transparent Snow (Titanium) White.
2.Paint fins and tail transparent Snow (Titanium) White. Let dry, then over- stroke Snow (Titanium) White with Lemon Yellow. When dry, paint stripes with a liner brush and Lamp (Ebony) Black.
Paint the wavy strokes with a #6 round brush and the following colors in order: Foliage Green, Purple Pizzazz, Irish Moss, and Lemon Yellow.
Use a #2 round brush and thinned Hauser Medium Green, and highlight the upper body with Purple Pizzazz.
48 TheDecorativePainter •SFUALMLM20E2R1 2021