Page 54 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2015
P. 54

Apply thin Medium Dark Gray Mix to the ocean us- ing the 1" flat brush. While still wet, squiggle Dark Gray Mix horizontal lines as waves using the no. 3 round brush. Dry the surface and repeat, painting waves the same way using Light Gray Mix to the tops of the waves. Dry the surface, and transfer on the ships and big wave in the foreground using the stylus and white graphite paper. Drybrush the bottom of the big wave with Dark Gray Mix using the chisel edge of the 1⁄4" blade. Paint the top of the big wave with Medium Light Gray Mix the same way. Pull the strokes in the direc- tion of the wave forming a “curl”. Then, add a bit of Light Gray Mix to the top edge, using the no. 3 round for high- lights as shown in step one of the Step-by-Step on page 51.
Paint the sails, wet-on-wet, using first Light Gray Mix on the large sail, then shade with Medium Dark Gray Mix next to the mast, walking out into the sail vertically using the no. 3 round. Do the same for the small sails, only re- versing the colors, leaving the darkest gray facing the mast. The base of the ships are painted the same way using the Dark Gray Mix first and then highlighted with Light Gray Mix to the top edge. The tiny flags are done the same way, using the Light Gray Mix at the tops. All detail linework, including the masts and cross arms, on the ships are done using the no. 1 liner with Graphite.
The highlights on the left edges of the clouds are done as follows: Dampen the surface with clean water and the 1" flat. While still damp, outline the brightest edge to create a highlight with Snow White on the light clouds and Light Gray Mix on the dark clouds using the no. 3 round. While the paint is still soft, pounce over the linework using the 3⁄8" crown to soften. Dry the surface and repeat as many times as necessary, keeping the larger light clouds brighter. The edges of the storm cloud should not look too bright.
Using the stylus, transfer the lightning with white graphite paper. Dampen the dark cloud with clean wa- ter and the 1" flat. Quickly zig-zag the lightning in a branch shape through the center in a diagonal direction as shown in step two of the Step-by-Step on page 51.
Apply one coat of Medium Gray Mix over the previous Graphite Neutral Grey basecoat onto the center design area using the same preparation technique and kitchen sponge. Dry the surface and paint the clouds. Notice that the clouds travel in a diagonal pattern from the upper right across to the lower left. Transfer on the clouds using white graphite paper and the stylus. Load the 3⁄8" crown brush with Light Gray Mix and scumble, using a light semi-circular motion, on cloud formations as shown in step one of the Step-by- Step on page 51. Start with the lightest clouds in the center area working from the outside edge into the center. This will keep the edges brighter and slowly fade off the rest of the clouds. To do this correctly, apply clean water with the 1" flat. While still damp, scumble on the clouds using the 3⁄8" crown brush.
After painting the larger light gray clouds, repeat with the Medium Light Gray Mix for clouds to the upper left area. Note that you may need to dry the surface and then dampen with clean water to continue painting clouds.
The dark thunder storm cloud located on the lower right side of the sky is painted with Medium Dark Gray Mix. While still damp, add touches of Dark Gray Mix here and there to make the shadows. Remember to start on the left edge of the cloud and scumble in towards the center using the 3⁄8" crown brush. Notice that the basecoat of me- dium gray shows under all the clouds and acts as a third value. Also, notice the clear sky space above the mountains acting as a separation between the clouds and mountains.
There is a larger mountain located in the center with two smaller mountains on either side. Start with the tip of the 3⁄8" crown brush with Medium Dark Gray Mix and dry brush horizontally forming a streaky mound. Do the same for the two smaller mountains. Add Dark Gray Mix along the bottom of the mountains the same way. Highlight the center mountain with a small amount of Medium Light Gray Mix all the way to the top so it looks lighter than the smaller ones. At the base of the mountains are tiny trees. These are dabbed on vertically using the high tip of the 1⁄4" blade brush with Dark Gray Mix. If they are not dark enough, repeat using Graphite. (Tip: Drybrush means very little paint on the ends of the brush bristles. Remove excess by tapping on the palette and open the bristles.)
52 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2015

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