Page 87 - The Decorative Painter - Fall 2019
P. 87
beak with B+RU as shown. Basecoat area around eye with W+RU+RS. Basecoat rest of head as shown with medium value gray of B+RU+W.
Using the no. 2 bright brush, highlight foot with a small amount of dirty W. Add segment lines with slightly thinned B+RU using the no. 0 round brush, and add a bit of highlight on toenails as well.
Using no. 0 bright brush, shade inside mouth with a bit of B+RU. Highlight at mouth opening where shown with a bit of dirty W. Basecoat rest of beak with dirty W.
Add nostril mark with B+RU. With the no. 2 brush, shade on neck with a bit of B+RU. Eye: Basecoat B with no. 0 bright or round brush. Highlight W using point of no. 0 round brush.
Head: Add highlights on the crown and lighter values on head as shown with W+RU+B. Apply in short, choppy strokes following natural feather growth direction.
Shade where shown around eye, in narrow lines on cheek and base of upper mandible on beak with bits of B+RU, applied with no. 0 bright brush. With chisel of no. 4 brush, add a little BS accent color on larger wing feathers and on tail as shown.
Image 6 – Tail: Dark = B+BS. Light = WR+BS. Add a little WR+CYP on upper tail and blend with growth direction for stronger red accent.
Shade if needed at base of tail with a bit of B+BS. Create the lighter undertail feathers with a bit of dirty brush+W. Far wing: Dark = B+RU. Light = WR. Near wing: Dark = B+BS. Medium = BS+WR. Light = WR. Breast and belly: Dark = B+BS. Medium = BS+WR. Light = WR.