Page 27 - DPM1_Spring_2022_Flipbook
P. 27
STEP 3 - Shows adding the Snow (Titanium) White acrylic paint on the outside of the seahorse and the Pearl White on the inside of the seahorse. Mix all your pour paint. In one of your large mixing cups, mix 1 ounce of Pearl White with equal parts Elmer’s White School Glue and water. Mixing to a smooth consistency, it should run off the end of your mixing tool in a steady stream. Add 2 to 3 drops of Teflon Silicone Lubricant to this mixture and mix thoroughly. This is what you pour inside the seahorse. In the other large mixing cup, mix 2 ounces of Snow (Titanium) White and equal parts white school glue and water, NO OIL. This will be poured on the outside of the seahorse and around the seagrass. You don’t need as much of the inside colors, about 1 millimeter (3/64") will work.
Tip: Small medicine cups or small dixie cups work great for this. Using the small cups, measure out the other colors with equal parts paint, white school glue and water until the mixtures run off your mixing tool. Add 1 to 2 drops of silicone oil and mix again.
Now that all the colors are mixed, pour half the Pearl White on the inside of the seahorse. Make sure the paint goes to all the hot glue lines with the small brush. Pour half the Snow (Titanium) White mixture on the outside of the seahorse and alongside the seagrass. You can use your palette knife to smooth the paint to the edges of the canvas and the small filbert to make sure the paint is along the sides of the design.
STEP 4 - Shows adding the other colors dropped onto the Pearl White mixture. You can pour your colors onto the canvas using a medicine dropper or the mixing tool. Start with small amounts of color until you see how much you want. Use the butane torch lightly to pop any bubbles in the paint.
Tip: Make sure to keep the torch or heat gun a safe distance from the canvas, 3 – 5 inches.
Spray the colors with the mister, starting lightly. The colors will begin to spread and mix like watercolors. Pick up the canvas on each end and tilt it towards the back of the seahorse. When you use the torch lightly on the paint and mist the colors, it will start to lace out. If too many colors run outside the seahorse, you can drop some more Snow (Titanium) White around the seahorse and let it run over the canvas. While the paint is wet, it is easy to manipulate, add colors, mist or add Pearl White. If there is something you don’t like in the paint, you can touch it with your finger, pallet knife, or a spoon, and it will pull off the canvas. After adding paint or mist, hit the area with the torch again to make the cells pop out.