Page 22 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 22

 by wetting the area in question with clean water. Use the same progression of colors and the same techniques as described in Midground Snow Step 1 to create the fore- ground snow. Refer back to those instructions as you work. As you paint, pull long, horizontal shadows in from the sides. Begin by applying the horizontal shad- ows that will result in rolling snowbanks, using the pre- viously mentioned technique for shadows. Refer to the Step 2 photo, or the photo of the finished piece, to see where the foreground snowbanks lie. Now apply more shadows (as previously instructed) while the snow- banks are wet. Darken the snow that lies to the right of the road by applying more Blue Mist and Lavender mix shadows. There are fewer highlights on the right than on the left, and they lie closer to the road’s edge. To provide dimension and texture, apply paint generously to the foreground. Allow the piece to dry.
To highlight the snowbanks, apply the Pale Yellow mix to the tip of the Crown, and drag it over the dry surface. The final highlights are Buttermilk, and are dry- brushed very lightly onto the centers of the Pale Yellow highlights. Be sure to tap off excess paint on the palette.
With Hi-Lite Flesh on the no. 3 round, paint the ground around the horse and sleigh. While that is wet, add Baby Blue and Lavender shadows in the same manner. Apply the same shadows under the horse and the sleigh runners, and along the edges of the upper half of the road. Damp- en the remaining road with clean water using the 1" flat. Repeat the same shadows on both sides of the road using the no. 5 round. The runner trail and hoof prints are done with the no. 3 round and Blue Mist, followed by Lavender shading. Now paint horizontal highlights across the road, using the tip of the Crown and following the instructions previously mentioned in the Snow sections.
With clean water, dampen the buildings. With Burnt Umber on the 1⁄2" angular, shade under the roofs, eaves, and windows, and along the corners (where the sides of each building meet). Use the same color to shade below each triangular section that divides the buildings’ tops from their bottoms, and along both sides of the barn doors. Using the tip of the Crown, dry-brush a scruffy ap- plication of Hi-Lite Flesh snow on all roofs, leaving plenty of Lavender showing. Now line the dropping eaves of the roofs with Hi-Lite Flesh on the no. 1 liner.
With thin Burnt Umber on the no. 3 round, shade the bottom of the horse’s head, body, and legs. Some of the Sable Brown basecoat should show through. With Pump- kin on the mini liner, highlight the front ear, mane, back, back leg, and tail. Dry-brush the top of the horse’s back leg with Pumpkin on the tip of the Crown. Next, use the Crown brush to add Burnt Sienna just below the Pump- kin. The top of the sleigh is highlighted with Pumpkin, and the bottom is dry-brushed with Cadmium Red, both times using the Crown brush. Darken the left side of the sleigh with a light layer of Cadmium Red+Burnt Umber on the no. 3 round. Detail the man’s hat and the horse’s blinder with Burnt Umber on the mini liner.
Shade the dog the same as the horse, adding Pumpkin highlights to the top of the head and back using the mini liner. Highlight the woman’s face, arm, and the far left ar- eas of her dress with Pumpkin on the no. 1 liner. Paint her hat with Hauser Medium Green on the mini liner. Basecoat her basket with Raw Sienna on the no. 1 liner, and high- light with Yellow Ochre on the mini liner.
Using gray or white graphite paper, transfer the designs for the three large foreground trees. Paint the trees to the left of the road first. Paint the design lines with Sable Brown, using the nos. 3 and 5 round brushes for the thick areas, and the no. 1 liner for the twigs and small branches. Detail the bark by creating squiggly lines with Burnt Umber on the no. 1 liner, following the growth direction (see Trees Step 1). With Hi-Lite Flesh on the no. 1 liner, create broken, squig- gly lines of snow on the bark and branches. Allow plenty of the browns to show through (see Trees Step 2). In the same manner, put snow in the V sections of the branches and at the trees’ roots, pulling this out into the snowbanks. The pine boughs on these two trees will be created later.
Paint the leaves on the tree to the right of the road following the instructions for the leaves in Step 2, Back- ground Trees. The only difference will be that these leaves are bigger, and so are created with the Crown brush. When adding snow to these leaves, use hints of Burnt Si- enna and Hi-Lite Flesh in addition to the Baby Blue. Add the tiny branches with Hi-Lite Flesh on the mini liner. This tree bears more snow on the left side, whereas the trees on the opposite side of the road bear more snow on their right sides.
20 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2014

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