Page 35 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 35

 STEP 5: After Step 4 has totally dried, mix a loose wash of Saffron Green and repeat the process used in Step 4.
STEP 6: Put some Black on your tray and add just enough water to keep it opaque. With the no. 4 round, darken the clothing on the painters. Next, with the no. 6 Keith’s Special Effects Brush, darken the edges of the windows and doors. Remember where your light source is coming from. You can detail some areas at the top of the steeple and under the eaves of the rooftops. Add some Black to the umbrellas and some broken lines to suggest roof tiles.
STEP 2: With the no. 1 Keith’s Special Effects Brush, estab- lish some high grass. Use some Raw Umber for color. With the no. 4 round, paint in the wood trim on the buildings with Brown Pink.
STEP 1: Mix some watered-down Spectrum Violet in your tray. Apply some washes, as shown, with the 1" flat. This will give you a middle ground color that you can paint over. It will show through in spots, which is what you want.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2014 33

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