Page 51 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2015
P. 51

Plum. Pleats on the sleeves and bodice are Black Plum with a highlight of Royal Fuchsia. The stitching is Olive Green on the sleeve cuff, waist and upper dress hem. Deepen the darkest shaded areas with Soft Black.
DRESS COLLAR & HEM: Mix Avocado+Soft Black to shade along the collar under the pumpkin head, plus along the upper dress hem. Add highlight with Olive Green on the collar gathers and lower edge of hem. To strengthen highlight areas, dry bush with additional Olive Green. Ap- ply Burnt Orange stitching along the edge of the dress hem. HAND & PANTALOONS: Shading with Raw Sienna along the outer edge of the hand. Refer to the Step-by- Steps above for shading the pantaloons as well as for the Light Buttermilk highlights. Stitching is created with Raw Sienna using the liner brush.
SHOES: Both feet are shaded with Soft Black. Use the liner to make stitching in Antique White as well as the shoelaces.
HEAD: Shade each pumpkin section with Burnt Orange and highlight with Mustard Seed, plus deepen shaded sec- tions with Russet. Shade along the bottom of the pump- kin with Russet, but keep this transparent so the pumpkin color still shows through. Reinforce highlight with more Mustard Seed, which can be done by dry brushing the col- or into the highlight area. If the color is not light enough, try to brush with a little Light Yellow. A liner brush will perform well to make the eyes and mouth with a wash of Raw Umber with a highlight line of Mustard Seed.
STEM: Basecoat wash of Raw Umber. Shade with Soft Black and highlight with Antique White.
DRESS: Referring to the Step-by-Step above, do the shading with Black Plum and the highlighting with Royal Fuchsia. The two buttons are basecoated with Burnt Or- ange and highlighted with Olive Green. Shade behind each button with Black Plum. Thread holes are dots of Black
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2015 49

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