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Trending sTreams in EnginEEring

               • Provide guidance to environment improvement   • Data Scientists: Sensors have a key role to play in IoT.
                 projects                                        They are the devices which make a normal device into
               • Analyze industrial and municipal implementation of   one that can be accessed through the internet. The
                 environmental measures to evaluate execution on the   study and operation of sensors in IoT is handled by
                 ground level                                    data scientists.
               • Counsel major corporations and governments on   • Robot Coordinator: The responsibility of a
                 matters regarding the environment               robot coordinator is to supervise the robots in a
                 Since the demand for environmental engineering is only   manufacturing unit.
               increasing while the supply is minimal, salary packages for   • IoT Cloud Engineer:  The people that establish and
               freshers are very lucrative provided they have the necessary   deploy the middleware and NoSQL database for col-
               skills to succeed. The average package for a fresher out of   lecting data from the IoT devices in the network are
               an environmental engineering degree is between INR 3-4   IoT Cloud engineers
               Lakhs per annum. Some of the more popular companies   According to NASSCOM, the market cap of IoT
               hiring environmental engineers include AECOM, HDR Inc,   will reach $3 trillion by 2020. Startups have a major
               Jacobs Engineering Group, CH2M, and so on. Graduates   role to play in the development of IoT, especially in an
               are also hired by NGOs and non-profits.         emerging market like India. Since IoT is still a relatively
                                                               new field, there is not enough data to provide average
               Internet of Things (IoT)                        placement numbers. By simple observation, since
               Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of connected phys-  demand for IoT engineers is only set to increase, the
               ical objects that can be operated through the internet.   placement package offered by companies is also slated
               The ‘thing’ in IoT could be a person with a heart monitor   to rise. IoT graduates attract a number of top companies
               or an automobile with built-in-sensors. The entire system   around the world including IBM, Intel, Cisco, Microsoft,
               of IoT is built around the power of sensors. By inserting   Qualcomm, and so on.
               sensors in such physical devices, their functions can be
               monitored online.                               Chemical Engineering
                 Some career prospects in IoT are listed below-    Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that
               • IoT Product Managers: These are the experts who   uses principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics, bi-
                 manage the final part of any given project. Their job   ology, and economics to efficiently use, produce, design,
                 description also includes improving the functionality   transport and transform energy and materials.
                 and finding new ways to make a device perform.   The work of chemical engineers can range from the
               • IoT Architect: An IoT project is a collection of   utilization of nanotechnology and nanomaterials in the
                 associated devices and items that must be managed   laboratory to large-scale industrial processes that convert
                 before execution. This job is performed in most cases   chemicals, raw materials, living cells, microorganisms,
                 by IoT architects.                            and energy into useful forms and products.
               • IoT Developer: The people writing the code which   The industries where chemical engineers can find jobs
                 makes IoT work in the first place are IoT developers.  are -

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