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Trending sTreams in EnginEEring
per annum. Average package of a robotics engineering
graduate is around INR 3-4 Lakhs per annum.
Companies hiring in the field of robotics range
across different industries. From automotive
manufacturers to other hardware companies, a
number of companies look for professionals in
robotics. Some companies which hire robotics
engineers are Boston Dynamics, Honeywell, Cruise
Automation, UBTech Robotics and so on.
The confusion between mechatronics and robotics is
common amongst students during counselling every
year. The important thing to remember is while ro-
botics is a very diverse field; it is essentially a part of
Mechanical engineering, electronics and computer
science engineering combining to build coherent
Robotics deals with the design, construction, operation modern systems based on properties from these fields
and maintenance of robots.Many top companies in the is mechatronics. While all robots are mechatronics
world are focusing a major portion of their resources systems, all mechatronic systems are not robots.
into research and development in the field of robotics. The main focus of mechatronic engineers in recent
An article featured in Kiplinger, a financial media years has been concentrated on the manufacturing
outlet, was quoted as saying - ‘Throughout the sector. As companies are slowly turning to automated
following decade, the number and assortment of robots machines for production of complex machine parts,
in the working environment will take off. It additionally mechatronics has become an essential part of any
expresses that officially about 1.4 million mechanical normal assembly line at a major manufacturing unit.
robots are sent over the world, aside from a few million Some popular job roles which typically open up to
automated gadgets intended for customer use in mechatronics graduates include robotics engineer,
homes.’ automation engineer, instrumentation technician,
Robotics originally took shape in Indian colleges when mechanical design engineer, control system design
IIT Kanpur first opened a robotics lab back in 1989. technician, and so on.
Some colleges and universities offering B.Tech in Some colleges offering a B. Tech course is
Robotics are listed below along with their respective mechatronics have been listed below -
course fee.
Colleges and Universities Fees (INR) Per Year
PSG College of Technology, 60,000/-
Dr Vishwanath Karad MIT 2,95,000/-
World Peace University, Pune
Jain University, Bangalore 1,60,000/-
SRM University, Sonepat 1,80,000/-
Bhagwan Arihant Institute Of 67,000/-
Technology, Surat
Robotics placements are getting more and more
common across the board as the demand for students
with in-depth knowledge in robotics is very high. For
the right student applying to the right company, starting
salary packages can be as high as INR 8-10 Lakhs
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