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Options Available After Completing              These statements represent the wrong ideas students
               Class 12TH in Commerce                          generally have about commerce. In reality, commerce is
                “Students unable to score well enough to opt science go   a very interesting course of study with a wide-reaching
           courses After Class 12
               for commerce”                                   impact on our daily lives.
               “With commerce, I have only limited career options,   In the table below are listed the various options avail-
               such as CA, CS and B.Com”                       able to a commerce student after completing class 12th
               “Only students from a business-class family background   exams.
               should go for commerce”

                                Entrance exams                                     Average
                    Course                     Top Recruiters     Description                  Top Colleges
                                  and dates                                         Salary

                   Chartered       CA - CPT    1.Deloitte    Chartered accountancy is   INR 7-8 Lakhs  Conducted by ICAI
                 Accountancy (CA)  (Common     2.PWC         amongst the lucrative and   per annum
                                 Proficiency Test)          3.KPMG  rewarding professions a
                 Foundation Level,  (June 2020)  4.Grant Thornton   commerce student can
                Intermediate Level,             International      belong to.
                  and Final Level                            To become a CA, a student
                   (4.5 years)                              has to devote mind and soul
                                                              to studies for a period of
                                                                four to five years.

                Company Secretary   CS Foundation   1.Essar Group  A company secretary   INR 5-6 Lakhs  Conducted by ICSI
                                  Programme    2.ACC Limited  takes care of the efficient   per annum
                   Foundation     Examination                3.SMC Global   administration of a
                   Programme,   (December 2019   Securities Ltd.  company, particularly with
                    Executive    and June 2020)               respect to ensuring legal
                 Programme, and                              and statutory compliance,
                                                              and governance-related
                   Professional                                     issues.

                    Cost and    CMA Foundation   1.ONGC        CMA is a professional   INR 5-6 Lakhs   Conducted by
                  Management    (Dec 2019 & June   2.GAIL    certification administered   per annum  ICMAI
                 Accountant (CMA)   2020)      3.VIP          by The Institute of Cost
                                               4.Vedanta      Accounts of India. It is
                Foundation Course,                           specially designed to allow
                   Intermediate                              CMA professionals to make
                 Course, and Final                           financial predictions based
                   Examination                               on given data and provide
                    (3 years)                                  counsel on business

                 Actuarial Science  ACET (June-2020)  1.Genpact  Actuarial Science is a field   INR 6-7 Lakhs  1.KavayitriBa-
                                               2.AON          dealing with the analysis   per annum  hinabaiChaud-
                  B.Sc Actuarial               3.Deloitte      of risk across various          hari North
                    Science-                   4.KPMG        fields, such as insurance,        Maharashtra Uni-
                    (3 years)                                 business, finance, and           versity, Jalgaon
                                                             healthcare. Professionals       2. Bishop Heber
                                                               in this field are called        College, Trichy
                                                                   actuaries.                3. Amity University,
                                                                                             4. Chandigarh
                                                                                               University. Chan-

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