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Entrance  and                                 Average
                   Course                       Top Recruiters  Description               Preferred College
                                 their dates                                   Salary
                   Aviation     Indira Gandhi   1.Air Charters India As a commercial pilot,   INR 7-9   1. Indira Gandhi Rashtriya
                                Rashtriya Uran   2. Air India  you can work with   Lakhs per   Uran Academy, Rae Bareilly
           courses After Class 12
                Commercial Pilot   Academy (IGRUA   3. Indigo  major international   annum  2. Rajiv Gandhi Academy of
                   Training    2020) – June 2020              or regional airlines,    Aviation Technology, Kerala
                  (4-5 years)  Aspirants can also join        fly cargo planes to     3. National Flying Training
                                                                                       Institute, Gondia
                                                               transport goods/
                B.Sc. in Aviation   other flying schools       cargo,work as a        4. Bombay Flying Club,
                   (3 years)  besides IGRUA. The              corporate pilot to fly   Mumbai
                              admission procedure             corporate jets, and     5. Indian Institute of Aeronau-
                  Private Pilot   for each institution
                   License   varies. In most cases,          also operate medical      tics, Delhi&Patna
                                                               or air emergency
                              applicants have to sit
                   (1 year)                                       planes.
                              for entrance exams
                             conducted by different
                 Merchant Navy  All India Merchant   1.Cochin Shipyard   Merchant Navy   INR 5-8   1. Indian Maritime University,
                                Navy Entrance   Ltd.          serves to facilitate   Lakhs per   Chennai
       Nautical   ExamIMU CET 2020   2.Essar Shipping   international trade   annum  2. International Maritime Insti-
                Science(3 years)  (June 2020)   Ltd.           by transporting         tute, Greater Noida
                 B.E. in Marine               3. Shipping Cor-  cargo, goods, and     3.Coimbatore Marine College,
                 Engineering (4                 poration of India   commercial items   Coimbatore
                    years)                      Ltd.          across the globe.       4.International Maritime Acad-
                                              4. ABG Shipyard                          emy, Chennai
                 B.E. in Naval                  Ltd.                                  5.Cochin University of Science
                  Architecture                                                         and Technology (CUSAT),
                 and Offshore                                                          Cochin;
                 Engineering (4                                                       6.VELS University, Chennai
                  Computer     Admission criteria   1.TCS     Those with a love   INR 3-5   1. Christ University, Bangalore
                Applications & IT  vary according to   2. Wipro  for computers,   Lakhs per  2. St. Xavier’s College,
                              different colleges and  3. Infosys  programming   annum  Mumbai;
                 BCA (3 years)  universities. In most   4.Tech Mahindra  languages and   3. St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata
                  B.Sc in IT (3   cases, each university       coding, and not        4. SRM University, Chennai
                    years)     conducts separate               wanting to enter       5. Symbiosis Institute of Com-
                              entrance exam and               engineering should       puter Studies and Research
                               offer admissions               consider courses in      (SICSR)
                              based on the results.          computer applications    6. Guru Gobind Singh
                                                                and IT. These          Indraprastha University
                                                              courses are highly       (GGSIPU), Delhi
                                                             oriented towards the     7. Madras Christian College,
                                                             practical applications    Chennai
                                                              of technology and
                                                              computer science.

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