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Entrance and                                       Average
              Course                   Top Recruiters     Description                  Preferred College
                          their dates                                       Salary
             Physiology  Universities and   1.United Health   Physiological science is the   INR 4-5   1.Amity University, Noida
                        colleges offering   Group     study of bodily functions,   Lakhs per  2.AIIMS, New Delhi
              B.Sc. in   physiological   2.AIIMS     activities and mechanisms of   annum  3.University of Delhi, Delhi
             Physiology  science courses   3.HealthifyMe   living organisms, especially   4. Maulana Azad Medical
              (3 years)  tend to either   Wellness Pri-     humans.                   College, Delhi
                        conduct their own   vate Limited                            5. Acharya Narendra Dev
    Life   entrance exam or                                          College, Delhi
             Sciences(3   offer admission
               years)   based upon class
                          12th marks.
               MBBS     NEET UG   (May   1.Tata Memorial   MBBS degree is the bare   INR 7-9   1.AIIMS New Delhi
                            2020)       Hospital    minimum course every doctor   Lakhs per  2.PGIMER, Chandigarh
             Bachelor of              2.Kokilaben   needs to complete to become   annum  3.Christian Medical Col-
              Medicine,                 Hospital     a general practitioner in the    lege, Vellore
              Bachelor                3.Medanta      field. An MBBS degree is five   4.Kasturba Medical Col-   courses After Class 12
             of Surgery               4.Fortis Hospital  and a half years long, one full   lege, Manipal
              [MBBS]-                 5.Apollo Hospital  year going into the internship.  5.King George’s Medical
                        colleges offering ReviewAdda.Com
             ( 5.5years)                                                              University, Lucknow
              Pharmacy  Universities and   1.Cipla  B.Pharma is an undergraduate   INR 3-4   1.National Institute of Phar-
                        colleges offering   2.Cadila Health  degree course in the pharma   Lakhs per   maceutical education
             Bachelor of   pharma science   3.Abbott India  field. The duration of this   annum  and research , Hyder-
             Pharmacy-    courses tend to   4.Pfizer  course is 4 years. After the    abad
              (4 years)  either conduct their        completion of this course, an   2. Punjab University, Chan-
                       own entrance exam             individual can practice as a     digarh
                        or offer admission             pharmacist or chemist.       3.BITS Pilani
                        based upon class
                          12th marks.
              Nursing   AIIMS B.Sc Nursing  1.Portea Medical  The B.Sc. Nursing curriculum   INR 2-3   1.AIIMS New Delhi
                         Entrance Exam.   2.Max Healthcare  focuses on teaching students   Lakhs per  2. Christian Medical Col-
              B.Sc. in                3.Baxter Interna-  how to care for patients. They   annum  lege, Vellore
              Nursing     Other exams   tional       do this by targeting specific   3.Bharati Vidyapeeth Uni-
              (4 years)  conducted by   4.Abbott Labora-  medical principles, such as   versity , Pune
                          colleges and
              General    universities like   tories  assessment of health based on   4.  Army College of Nurs-
              Nursing &   AFMC, JIPMER, and         physical, biological, and social   ing, Jalandhar
              Midwifery    BHU are also very         sciences; analysis of health
              (3 years)    popular.                 problems in a systematic way;
                                                     and proper administration of
                                                    medical services to improve the
                                                        health of patients.
               BAMS     Universities and   1.Lavya Associ-  BAMS is based on the   INR 3-5   1. Institute of Medical
                                        ates          traditional art of healing in   Lakhs per   Sciences, Varanasi
             Bachelor of   ayurvedic science   2.Diverse LYNX   India; popularly known as   annum  2.GGSIPU, Delhi
              Ayurvedic   courses tend to   India Pvt. Ltd.  ayurveda.              3. Bharati Vidyapeeth Uni-
            Medicine and   either conduct their                                       versity, Pune
              Surgery  own entrance exam              Ayurveda is a branch of
             (5.5 years)  or offer admission         medical care which is based
                                                     upon the concepts of natural
                        based upon class
                          12th marks.                 healing processes of the
                                                          human body.
               BHMS         NEET      1.Fortis Health-  Bachelor of Homeopathic   INR 3-5   1.National Institute of Ho-
                                        care        Medicine and Surgery (BHMS)   Lakhs per   moeopathy, Kolkata
             Bachelor of   (July 2020)  2.Apollo     is an undergraduate degree   annum  2. Nehru Homeopathy
            Homeopathic               3.Medanta      programme in homeopathic         Medical College & Hos-
            Medicine and   Other entrance   4.Dr. Lal Path   sciences. In the five and a half   pital, Delhi
              Surgery    exams are also   Labs      years long course, one year is   3.Bakson Homoeopathic
                         conducted for
             (5.5 years)  BHMS admissions           devoted solely to an internship   Medical College & Hos-
                        such as KEAM, TS            at a medical institution, just as   pital, Noida
                       EAMCET, and so on.           it is in a MBBS degree course.   4.Homeopathy University
                                                                                      , Jaipur
                                                                                    5.Maharashtra University of
                                                                                      Health Sciences , Nashik

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