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Entrance and Average
Course Top Recruiters Description Preferred College
their dates Salary
Defence NDA entrance exam is 1.Indian Army Defence forms INR 5- 8 National Defence Academy,
conducted twice in a 2.Indian Navy the backbone of a Lakhs per Pune
BA in Defence & year, once in April and 3.Indian Air Force country’s security annum
Strategic Studies the next in November 4.DRDO against external threats.
(3 years) 5.HAL Career opportunities
vary, depending upon
the particular defence
force chosen.
Animation & Admission procedure 1.Maya Entertain- The animation sector INR 3- 6 1. National Institute of Design,
Graphics to design, animation, ment in India is growing Lakhs per Ahmedabad;
B. Design in and graphics-oriented 2.Toonz Animation exponentially owing to annum 2. IIT Bombay;
Graphics (4 courses vary between Ltd. an increase in demand 3. Indian Institute of Digi-
years) different colleges 3.UTV Toonz for VFXand CGI- tal Arts and Animation, courses After Class 12
B.Sc in and universities. 4.Reliance Media- oriented content. While Kolkata;
Animation & While some institutes works Ltd. the Indian television 4. Birla Institute of Technology,
conduct entrance
Multimedia exams, others offer & film industry has 5. Arena Animation (Multiple
a long history of
(3 years) admissions based on outsourcing such Locations);
BFA in performance in Class content to overseas 6. Maya Academy of Ad-
Animation, VFX 12th exams. professionals, the tide vanced Cinematics (MAAC)
and Graphics is turning for home
(3 years) grown professionals in
Engineering JEE Mains(Jan 2020) 1.Infosys The discipline INR 4- 7 1. IITs
2. Reliance Indus- of engineering Lakhs per 2. NITs
B. Tech/B.E JEE Advanced (April tries encompasses a broad annum 3. Delhi Technical Universi-
(4 years) 2020) ReviewAdda.Com ty(DTU),
range of specialized
Other entrance 4. Larsen and fields such as 4. Vellore Institute of Technolo-
exams such as Toubro computer science, gy(VIT), Vellore
BITSAT, SRMJEEE, 5. Tata Group mechanical, and so 5. SRM University Chennai
and VITEEE are on. Each field covers 6. BITS Pilani
conducted additionally the subject in depth,
for admission to making sure the
private colleges and students graduating
universities. have ample technical
knowledge to succeed.
Sciences Admission procedure 1. Public and pri- A bachelor in science INR 3- 4 1. Delhi University, Delhi
to science courses vate schools course covers the bare Lakhs per 2. GGSIPU, Delhi
B. Sc vary between 2. Govt institutions bones of the science annum 3. JNU, Delhi
(3 years) different colleges 3. NGOs subject chosen by the 4. Mumbai University, Mumbai
and universities. 1. Public and pri- student. 5. Amity University, Noida
While some institutes vate schools
conduct entrance 2. Govt institutions A student can do a B.
exams, others offer Sc in subjects such as
admissions based on 3. NGOs Physics, Mathematics,
performance in Class 1. Public and pri- Biology, Chemistry,
12th exams. vate schools Botany, Zoology, IT,
2. Govt institutions Computer Science,
3. NGOs and so on.
1. Public and pri-
vate schools
2. Govt institutions
3. NGOs
1. Public and pri-
vate schools
2. Govt institutions
3. NGOs
ReviewAdda.Com 25