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Options Available After Completing tend to think that the only option available is MBBS.
Class 12TH in PCB In the table below, there are listed the various
PCB is a stream exclusively reserved for students with prominent options available to PCB students including
courses After Class 12
a special love towards biology and the working of living and other than MBBS.
things. As is the case with PCM, most studying PCB
Entrance and Average
Course Top Recruiters Description Preferred College
their dates Salary
Forensic Admission to B. Sc 1.Intelligence Forensic scientists scientifically INR 3- 5 1. Gujarat Forensic Science
Science in Forensic Science Bureau collect evidence, document Lakhs per University
is conducted 2.CBI it, and analyse it in labs. It is annum 2.Bundelkhand University,
B.Sc in either through 3.Quality Control an applied field, and utilises Jhansi
Forensic performance in Bureau knowledge from various fields 3. IFS India Education
Science entrance exam or 4.Police Depart- of science, including Chemistry, Department, Pune
(3 years) class 12th exams. ment Physics, Anthropology, and 4.Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar
Every college and Biology. University, Agra
university tends to 5. Amity Institute of Foren-
conduct its own sic Sciences
entrance exam. 6. Osmania University,
Food and Indian Council 1.Rasi Seeds A large domain consisting of INR 3- 4 1.India Agriculture Re-
Agriculture of Agriculture 2.Godrej Agrovet various fields related to the Lakhs per search Institute, Delhi
and Research All Limited understanding of biological annum 2.Acharya N.G. Ranga Agri.
B. Sc in India Entrance 3.National Agro and chemical factors affecting University, Hyderabad
Agriculture- Examination (ICAR Industry agricultural sciences. Some 3.University of Agriculture
(4 years) –AIEE) - May 2020. 4.Monsanto India topics covered in the subject Science, Bangalore
B. Sc in Crop Other Entrance are food science & technology, 4.Sam Higginbottom
Physiology exams are also agronomy, horticulture, dairy Institute of Agriculture
(4 years) conducted by technology, and agricultural Technology and Science,
private colleges and engineering. Allahabad
universities. Some 5.Indian Institute of Food
also offer admission Processing Technology,
based on class 12th Thanjavur
Genetics Universities 1.Medgenome Involves the study of genes INR 4- 5 1.The Oxford College of
and colleges 2.Strand Life and their functions, genetic Lakhs per Science, Bengaluru
B.Sc. in offering genetics Sciences variations, and heredity of living annum 2.Calicut University, Calicut
Genetics undergraduate 3.Redcliffe Life organisms. Professionals in this 3.Kristu Jayanti College,
(3years) courses tend to Sciences field study genetic diseases, Bengaluru
either conduct their 4.iGenomix anomalies, traits, mutations, 4.JyotiNivas College,
B. Sc in own entrance exam genes transmission, and Bangalore
Genetics, or offer admission interactions of genes with their 5.AIIMS,Delhi
Microbiology based upon class environment.
& Chemistry 12th marks.
(3 years)
Biomedical Universities and 1.Wipro Biomed- Biomedical science is a subject INR 3- 5 1. AIIMS, Delhi
Science colleges offering ical dealing with a combination of Lakhs per 2. Indian Institute of Tech-
biomedical courses 2.BPL Healthcare formal and natural sciences annum nology, Delhi
B.Sc. in tend to either 3.Ranbaxy Diag- to develop healthcare 3. Indian Institute of Tech-
Biomedical conduct their own nostics technologies for the welfare of INR 24,000 nology, Bombay
Sciences (3 entrance exam or the public. and INR 4. MIT, Manipal
years) offer admission 30,000 per 5. Netaji Subhash Engi-
based upon class annum (Out neering College (NSEC),
12th marks. of India) Kolkata
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