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What are my Options after
Class 12th? courses After Class 12
cOllege cOurses
What after 12th? 3. Science - PCB (Biology, Physics, and Chemistry)
Most Indian students in their final year of school have 4. Science - PCM (Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics)
the same question. While there are a number of courses The option of taking mathematics as an additional
to choose from, the large number of options is a problem subject is available to arts, commerce and PCB students
in itself. as well.
How can it be easy to choose from a range of options?
The answer to this problem is simple – know your Options Available After Completing
options. Having the necessary information before Class 12TH in PCM
choosing a course is the most important part before The main problem of students studying PCM as their
making a choice. main subjects in Class 12th is – What other option is
In this article, we will explore the options available there besides doing a B. Tech degree and becoming an
to students after finishing their Class 12th exams. engineer?
Students will be able to know the options available to The question has merit. In the general discussion
them, and also the necessary information related to surrounding PCM, there are a very few times when
each course. someone talks about anything besides B. Tech and the
various engineering entrance exam.
Generally, students are divided into the following In the table are mentioned all the prominent
streams - options available to students after they complete their
1. Arts Class 12th exam with PCM including and besides
2. Commerce engineering.
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