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Entrance exams Average
Course Top Recruiters Description Top Colleges
and dates Salary
Statistics Universities and 1.Deloitte Con- Statistics is a field dealing INR 4-5 Lakhs 1. Banaras Hindu
colleges offering sulting with the interpretation, per annum University, Va-
BA in Statistics- statistics courses 2.TCS Innova- analysis, and representation ranasi
(3 years) tend to either tions Labs of numerical data. 2. The Maharaja
conduct their own 3.HSBC Statisticians collect and Sayajirao Univer-
entrance exam or 4.American analyse data to solve sity of Baroda,
offer admission Express various problems and Baroda
based upon class make recommendations in 3. Sister Nivedi-
12th marks. organizations, both in the ta University,
public and private sector. Kolkata
Management Universities and 1.Amazon Management is the INR 3-4 Lakhs 1. Amity University,
colleges offering 2.American coordination, planning, per annum Noida
BBA business and Express forecasting and organizing 2. Christ University, courses After Class 12
(3years) management 3.Hindustan of a company’s processes, Bengaluru
courses tend to Unilever to ensure effective 3. GGSIPU, Delhi
either conduct their 4.Goldman & functioning and growth. 4. NMIMS, Mumbai
own entrance exam Sachs BBA as a course covers
or offer admission these fundamentals of
based upon class management and business.
12th marks.
Commerce Universities and 1. McKinsey & B. Com is a core course INR 3-5 Lakhs 1. Amity University,
colleges offering Company going into the bare bones per annum Noida
B. Com commerce courses 2. JP Morgan of commerce. Topics 2. Christ University,
(3 years) tend to either 3. Goldman & covered in the course range Bengaluru
conduct their own Sachs from business studies to 3. Delhi University,
entrance exam or 4. Indiabulls economics, and finance. Delhi
offer admission 4. Mumbai
based upon class University,
12th marks. Mumbai
Options Available After Completing fields like history and political science to other streams
Class 12TH in Arts and Humanities in law and economics, arts and humanities students have
Probably one of the only field of study which offers stu- plenty of options to choose from.
dents a complete range of choices, arts and humanities The various options available to arts and humanities
students have the most information to consume about the students after Class 12th exams are listed in the table
options available to them. From traditional humanities below.
Entrance Exams Average
Course Top Recruiters Description Preferred College
and dates Salary
Psychology Universities and Psychologists tend to Psychology is the INR 7-9 Lakhs 1. Lady Shri Ram Col-
colleges offering be hired by various study of human per annum lege for Women,
BA in psychology types of institutions like behavior and Delhi
Psychology- courses tend to schools, hospitals, and mental processes. 2. St. Xavier’s Col-
(3 years) either conduct their even corporate offices Psychologists study lege, Mumbai
own entrance exam to keep in check the a person’s reactions, 3. Christ University,
or offer admission mental well-being emotions, and Bengaluru
based upon class of the people at the behavior, and apply
12th marks. institution. their understanding
Most successful of that behavior to
psychologists have treat the associated
their own practice set person’s behavioural
up on the side as well. problems.
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