Page 7 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 7
Mask/Face Covering
RCL COVID-19 • You must wear a mask or face covering when you are indoors within a public space in both Manitoba and
Measure Ontario
• People who are deaf or hard of hearing or those who care for or interact with a person who is hearing
impaired may be unable to wear masks especially if they rely on lip reading to communicate
• For those with a hearing impairment a masks can potentially muffle the sound
• Some people, such as people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, mental health conditions
or other sensory sensitivities, and/or those with breathing difficulties may have challenges wearing a
• To serve a customer with a hearing impairment wear the face shield (Provided for cleaning) if however
if it isn’t available, or if an employee is uncomfortable doing so, use a note pad and pen to
communicate. (Do not share pens or notepads.)
• Decrease background noise to make communication possible while wearing a mask that blocks your lips
RCL Measure
• Be very aware of those with different types of cognitive, intellectual disabilities, those who are hearing
to ensure
impaired and others requiring an accommodation to our service model.
Accessibility to a
• Demonstrate compassion and empathy
Disabled Body
• Share why we have the measure in place.
• Gently remind of the measures in place when necessary