Page 17 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 17

Store Operations: Cash desk & transactions

      POS:                                                                                    Debit and credit cards:
       For 2 Cashes - only 1 cash will be open at a time                                      We have increased the TAP limit to $250 for the following

       For 3 Cashes - only 1 & 3 are open                                                         credit cards: AMEX, MasterCard, Visa

       Do not touch any coupons, reward cards, etc.                                           No increase has been made to the TAP limit for debit cards -
       Do not touch the customer’s phone                                                          it remains at $100

       Tape or floor stickers will be visible so that customers                               If a customer cannot tap up to $250, please advise them to

           respect social distancing rules                                                         contact their card issuer, DO NOT direct them to our

                                                                                                   Customer Care Centre
                                                                                               If the TAP does not work, the customer will be prompted to
      Cash transactions:

       Cash method of payment will be accepted.                                                   enter a PIN number

       Risks posed from handling cash are no greater than
           those posed by touching other common surfaces.
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