Page 17 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 17
Store Operations: Cash desk & transactions
POS: Debit and credit cards:
For 2 Cashes - only 1 cash will be open at a time We have increased the TAP limit to $250 for the following
For 3 Cashes - only 1 & 3 are open credit cards: AMEX, MasterCard, Visa
Do not touch any coupons, reward cards, etc. No increase has been made to the TAP limit for debit cards -
Do not touch the customer’s phone it remains at $100
Tape or floor stickers will be visible so that customers If a customer cannot tap up to $250, please advise them to
respect social distancing rules contact their card issuer, DO NOT direct them to our
Customer Care Centre
If the TAP does not work, the customer will be prompted to
Cash transactions:
Cash method of payment will be accepted. enter a PIN number
Risks posed from handling cash are no greater than
those posed by touching other common surfaces.