Page 27 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 27
they entered the car, paparazzi pursued them. investigations were immediately sent out to
No one thought it would turn out to be what it discover the true cause of her death. The
was. Just after midnight, the car spun out of ones leading this case immediately
control in a tunnel. Fayed and the driver were questioned Mohammed al-Fayed, the father
instantly killed. Medics arrived only in time to of Diana’s companion “Dodi.” The British
take a fatally injured Princess to the hospital. Secret Service claimed a conspiracy that
Diana later died in the hospital. The world Fayed attemted to murder the happy couple,
reacted quickly. Everyone around me was supposably to protect the royal family from
horrified and angry. They blamed the a scandal.
paparazzi, saying that this accident would Diana influenced many people all around
never have happened if the driver had not had the world. She sponsored many
to avoid the crazy fans, but of course the real organizations such as homelessness, AIDS,
blame lay on the driver. Evidence shows that leprosy, and cancer. Her struggles with
the driver was well over the legal alcohol limit bulimia and depression were so publicly
and could most likely have been the cause for displayed that many people became much
the accident. Then the people mourned greatly more aware about it. She was forever
for their princess, even those outside of remembered as the “People’s Princess”
England mourned. Diana Spencer showed the I think we can all learn a lot from Princess
world that a princess’s life wasn’t all dresses Diana, she was kind and generous royalty,
and riches, interviews and fans, the princess which in my opinion is very rare, as most
was one of us, she had her own personal royalty care about money and fame. She
struggles and hardships in life. also was very open about her own personal
Diana Frances Spencer’s funeral was held on problems. This teaches us to be generous
September 6,1997, and the procession was led and kind to everyone, even those below us.
by her sons, her brother, her ex-husband If we shun someone below us, this just
Prince Charles, her ex-father-in-law Prince proves that we are lower than them. I am
Philip, and five representatives from each of most impressed by Diana because she was
110 charities Diana had supported. Thousands so fair and kind to all her people. This is why,
of people gathered in the streets to watch. even to this day, Diana Frances Spencer will
You might have thought that after the be forever remembered in our world.
funeral of their beloved princess, the world
would be silent and mournful. Yet,