Page 23 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 23


     attend a strict boarding school that trained                by playing in an orchestra at a very young

     students for Jingxi -- Chinese Opera. He started            age.                    21

     learning acrobatics from the age of 7 old until                 In 1781, at the age of ten, Beethoven
     he was 17 years old. In those 10 years, he was              started taking lessons with Christian Gottlob

     also learning singing, martial art, and mime.               Neefe, the newly appointed Court Organist,
     He has a son, Jaycee Chan. He has a daughter,               who was impressed by Beethoven and gave

     Etta Ng Chok Lam. Jackie Chan had                           him formal musical education.  At the age of
     participated in more than 200 films and had                 12, Beethoven published his first
     been awarded around 60 awards.                              composition “Dressler” and produced a set

                                                                 of piano variations on the theme.
          One of the World’s                                         To promote his musical development, the

            Famous Pianists                                      court sent Beethoven to Vienna, the cultural

                                                                 and musical capital of Europe in 1787, where
                    B Y   J E S S I C A   C .   G R 7
                                                                 he hoped to study with Mozart.  He settled
         On a cold winter day -- December 16, 1770,              in Vienna and briefly studied with Joseph

     one of the greatest musical geniuses was born               Haydn and quickly gained a reputation as a
     in the city of Bonn in the Electorate of Cologne,           great pianist.  He is considered to be one of

     Germany, a principality of the Holy Roman                   the greatest composers in the history of
     Empire. His name was Ludwig van Beethoven.                  music, and the main composer in the

      His father Johann van Beethoven, who was                   transition period between the classical and

     very strict and extraordinarily meticulous,                 romantic eras.
     gave Beethoven his very first music lessons. On                 Only a few weeks after Vienna, Beethoven

     a near daily basis, Beethoven was flogged,                  noticed that his mother had fallen ill, so he

     locked in the cellar, and deprived of sleep for             returned to Bonn. Staying there, Beethoven
     extra hours of practice, it was all because his             continued to build his reputation as the

     father wanted to make Beethoven a child                     city's most promising young court musician.

     prodigy like Mozart.  Therefore, Beethoven was              In 1792, the French revolutionary forces
     forced to practice piano and the violin to meet             swept the Rhineland into the Cologne

     his father’s ambitions.  The family was                     constituency, and Beethoven decided to
     unhappy; his father was a violent, alcoholic,               leave his hometown again to Vienna. Mozart

     and irresponsible man, so Beethoven had to                  died a year before that, making Joseph

     support his mother and two younger brothers                 Haydn the greatest composer without a

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