Page 20 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 20


     having a gender-balanced cabinet, Justin                    Charli has one sister, Dixie D’amelio, born
     Trudeau said why he did it is “because it’s                 August 12th, 2001. Her parents are Heidi

     2015” he said. Justin goes on later to be re-               D’amelio and Marc D’amelio. She was a
     elected as the Prime Minister of Canada in                  member of LA-based Hype House. Charli’s

     2019. In conclusion, Justin Trudeus has had a               whole family signed with UTA in January
     very successful life and is a good leader for the           2020 focusing on the entertainment industry

     Canadian people.                                            and she hopes to go on tour in the summer
                                                                 of 2020. She went on The Tonight Show
           Charli D’Amelio                                       Starring Jimmy Fallon and went on

                                                                 discussing how she was bullied in school
                    B Y   H A Y L E Y   Z .   G R 6
                                                                 because of how skinny she was.
         Born on May 1st, 2004, this 16 year-old                     Many aspire to be like her and some go as

     currently has over 53.8M followers on the                   far as pretending to be her. I chose this
     platform TikTok, where she started getting                  person because she is very popular on many
     popular, and has 17.2 million followers on                  social media platforms and her fame has

     Instagram. Charli D’amelio is a dancer who                  increased in an extremely short amount of
     gained her fame from starting her TikTok                    time.

     account in June 2019. She has an interesting
     and inspiring job, a great and supportive                          A Math Magician

     family, and a whole career ahead of her that
                                                                                 B Y   B E L I N A   Z .   G R 7
     she is hoping to pursue.
          In July, Charli posted a video duet - a side-by-           Do you believe in someone with innate

     side video - with another user called                       talents? Whether you believe or not, there

     "Move_With_Joy" in which she followed Joy's                 are some people who have both talent and
     tutorial to the dance choreography. The video               hard work. One of the notable examples is

     is simple and straightforward, yet it has over 2            Carl Friedrich Gauss, who was a very hard-

     million views. “Like, everyone thinks, ‘Oh,                 working genius.
     that's so cool,’ but when it's actually                         Gauss is one of the greatest

     happening — it's crazy to think about, 'Why do              mathematicians of all time. In addition to
     people want to follow me? What am I doing                   mathematics, he has made great

     different from everyone? It's just crazy,” said             contributions to a wide range of

     D’amelio.                                                   mathematical and physics projects such as

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