Page 18 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 18


        A New Type of Fame                                       Indians that was kind of racist. He also
                                                                 disabled some T series subscribing bots.

                       B Y   E R I C   L .   G R 6                   He is the most famous youtuber now, but

         If you could name any famous YouTuber                   why? Here is the reason. Slenderman was a
     to me, then you would probably name the                     very popular game back then, and no one

     most subscribed YouTuber, right? I tell you                 was playing slenderman. Then, PewDiePie

     now, that YouTuber is  PewDiePie! He has                    decided to start the slenderman series, and
     had the most subscribers from 2010 to 2017!                 he kicked off the start of slenderman on

         Pewdiepie was born on October 24, 1989 in               YouTube. That is the first reason why

     Gothenburg, Sweden. His name early on was                   PewDiePie was so popular. He is also one of
     Kjellberg.  Now, he prefers to be called                    the only YouTubers that constantly replies

     Pewdiepie. In 2006, he decided to start a                   to posts 3 times a day, and also he probably
     YouTube channel named “Pewdie '', in which                  spent 12 hours on YouTube doing nothing

     the “pew” refers to laser cannons, and the                  else.                   48

     “die” refers to death from the laser cannons.                   What I like about him is that he never
     He later registered and attended the                        gives up on gaining more subscribers. He

     Chalmers University of Technology, but then                 always tries to defeat T series in
     he left because he had no interest in his                   competitions, and even though T series has

     courses, and he started to focus on his                     10 million more subscribers, he still did not

     YouTube career. He later registered a new                   give up. Also, he decided to make content all
     YouTube account (The one that exists now)                   the other YouTubers don’t, like for example,

     because he forgot the password to his old YT                play slenderman.

     account.                                                        We can all learn from PewDiePie about
         In 2015, he became the most subscribed YT               some YouTube skills. He always says to keep

     channel ever in that year. He said that he                  an eye on who your audience is. Since it’s

     began to take more risks, make fun of                       mostly teenagers, he posts some teenager
     youtubers, (check out this song called Bitc                 stuff. The second thing is to not give up on

     Lasagna). That is the basics of PewDiePie.                  things. To maintain being a very good
     Right now, he is in competition with a stupid               YouTuber, you have to post frequently, be

     movie company called T Series. I hope he                    good to your audiences, and also have to

     wins! Here is more detail about that. In 2018,              reply if they have any questions or
     just because T series tried to beat                         suggestions. That is all about PewDiePie.

     Pewdiepie, he released a diss track against                                               QUANTUM TIMES  |   18
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