Page 14 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 14


     when he lost his leg. Next he planned                       until 1985 when a knee injury prematurely
     something amazing; he would run 5,300 miles                 ended his career. Forced to start over,

     from New Brunswick on the east coast to                     Ramsay returned to school, earning a degree
     British Columbia on the west coast. He called it            in hotel management in 1987. After finishing

     Marathon of Hope. He wanted to do it because                his studies, Ramsay placed himself under
     he wanted to earn more money for cancer                     the direction of some of Europe's top chefs.

     research. He planned to raise a million dollars.            He apprenticed with Marco Pierre White at
         He started to run at St John’s, Newfoundland            Harvey's in London, worked for Albert Roux
     on April 12, 1980. He ran 30 miles per day. He              at Le Gavroche, and then worked under

     raised 170,000 dollars in total for cancer                  master chefs Joel Robuchon and Guy Savoy

     research. Finally, he ran 3,339 miles for 143               in France.
     days and ended outside of Thunder bay,                          After he worked with some very famous

     Ontario.                                                    chefs he began to work on his own
         After his running, he went back to the                  restaurant named Aubergine. His restaurant
     hospital. He died on June 28, 1981 in New                   became the most famous in all of London.

     Westminster. He died, but he raised money for               From there he met Tara Hendrickson whom
     his whole life.                                             he would soon marry.  After he got married

         I chose him because I’m very impressed that             he had kids’ named Matilda, Jack, Holly and

     he ran across Canada. He ran for 3,339 miles                Megan. Then, he began to make his first Tv
     with one leg and raised money. It’s sounds                  show called kitchen nightmares where he

     impossible!                                                 judges a restaurant’s performance. Next, he
                                                                 began to make more tv shows like hotel hell,
             The Best Chef in                                    scrambled  ( only on youtube), and master

                      England                                    chef.

                                                                     After he left his shows and focused more
                    B Y   M A T T H E W   T .   G R 5
                                                                 on his restaurants. He created a youtube

         Gordon James Ramsay was born on                         channel named after him and did a
     November 8, 1966. He was born in                            masterclass twice so he can teach others

     Johnstone, Scotland, and raised in Stratford-               how to cook like him. He also did a lot of
     upon-Avon, England. When he was 15 years                    challenges for his youtube channel like

     old he decided to join the Glasgow rangers.                 going to the military, doing sports again, or

     His time with the team spanned three years,                 doing cook-offs. Also, he wrote 47 cooking

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