Page 12 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 12
His first invention was a phonograph. When Edison’s wife, Mary, died in August 1884,
working on the telephone, he figured out a way and in February 1886 he remarried Mirna
to record on tinfoil-coated cylinders and then Miller. In 1918 he stopped working in films.
decided to make a phonograph. His first words Edison did a lot in electricity. On October 18,
in the phonograph are “Mary had a little lamb”. 1931 he died because of diabetes. Edison has
Even though this is his first invention it is his once said “Genius is one percent inspiration
favorite one in his whole life. He also created and ninety-nine percent perspiration” which
film which is basically a movie now. The first means Great accomplishments depend less
motion picture film was only a few seconds but on ingenuity as on hard work. Edison also
it is technically a movie. The first motion said “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000
picture was invented in 1878 and is called “The ways that won't work.” means failure is the
Horse In Motion”. The first film was invented in mother of success. When you fail you learn
1888 and is called “Roundhay Garden Scene”. more and know how to overcome the
He made a lot of inventions that really help us failure. Overall, Thomas Edison was a great
nowadays. inventor who believed in hard work and
One of his most famous inventions was the gave us many inventions that we still use
light bulb. Edison did not make the first light today.
bulb but instead followed Humphry Davy’s
invention which was the davy lamp. Many The First Man On
scientists wanted to make the light bulb but all the Moon
failed. In 1878, Edison began researching into
developing a practical incandescent lamp. He B Y K E V I N M . G R 5
bought Woodward and Evans' patent and Neil Armstrong was born on August 5,1969
improved the light bulb. In January 1880 he and died on August 25,2012. No one knew
wanted a company to sell electric light to the that he was going to be one of the world’s
whole world. In the same year Edison founded most famous astronauts; no one knew that
the “Edison Illuminating Company”.In 1882, the he would be the first human on the moon.
Pearl Street generating station provided 110 Neil was born near Wapakoneta, Ohio.
volts of electrical power to 59 customers in When he was 16, Neil began his studies in
lower Manhattan. Edison helped by improving engineering at Purdue University in the U.S.
the light bulb because we use light bulbs a lot Navy Scholarship. In 1949, his
everyday, without Edison we probably would studies were interrupted because he was
still be using candles.