Page 7 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 7


     phonograph. The phonograph was the first                        Bill Gates is still alive to this day.  If he
     thing that could record a voice! He was very                makes $32.8 million a day, imagine how

     excited because his hearing was bad and he                  much he makes in quarantine! He can
     made the phonograph which needed a lot of                   probably make $20 billion in quarantine!

     hearing! Edison was not only a scientist, he was            That's still more money than I can make in
     also in the army during the Civil war. Thomas               my life. Bill Gates is the second richest man

     Edison has been married twice! That is pretty               on Earth, and the first is Jeff Bezos. He
     interesting right? He has six children. He had              makes $275 million a day, but in quarantine
     two children with his first wife. Are you                   he could make $80 million a day!

     interested in how many things Edison                            When he was 13, Bill Gates programmed
     invented? He invented 17 things in total!                   the schedule for his school and put all the

         He died on October 18, 1931.                            girls that he liked in his class. Also, his first

         I chose Edison because he invented the                  program was tic tac toe, and you could play
     lightbulb. Can you imagine if there was no light            against a computer. So we can all say that

     in the house? If there was no light, our house              he was very smart. Stephen Hawking said

     would be dark at night. We could use fire, but              that technology might destroy humanity at
     we couldn't always use it like emperors. It                 one point. The surprising thing is that Bill

     would be too dangerous. If there was no light,              disagreed.

     our houses would be very dark. I think more                     I wrote about Bill Gates because I like
     and more people should take things apart to                 computers and want to code stuff when I

     see how it works just like what Edison did.                 grow up. I also think Bill Gates is an
                                                                 interesting person to write about.  Overall,

                   Bill Gates                                    Bill Gates is a champion of the computing
                                                                 world who has lots of influence in today’s
                  B Y   B E N J A M I N   M .   G R 4

         Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. He is
     about  65 years old now. Now Bill Gates is one

     of the richest people on Earth. Bill Gates is the

     youngest billionaire. He co-founded one of the
     most successful tech companies of all time in

     Microsoft. Bill Gates gets about $1.37 million an

     hour, and about $32.8 million a day. That's
     more than I can make in my life!                                                          QUANTUM TIMES  |   07
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