Page 5 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 5


       Chris Austin Hadfield                                         Chris Hadfield went on 3 space missions.
                                                                 His third space mission was called
                   B Y   C A M E L L I A   Y .   G R 3
                                                                 Expedition 34/35. His third and final mission
         Chris Austin Hadfield was born in Sarnia,               for NASA was the longest mission he was

     Ontario on August 29,1959 even though he was                ever in. It lasted 146 days and in that
     raised in Milton,Ontario. He was married  to                mission, he was the first ever Canadian to be

     Helene Hadfield, and they had 3 children. Chris             commander in a mission on the ISS. Overall,
     watched the first moon landing when he was                  Chris Hadfield was one of Canada’s most
     about 9 years old. Ever since Chris watched the             famous and accomplished astronauts ever.

     first moon landing, he wanted to be an
     astronaut. Chris graduated from military

     college in Kingston, Ontario, with an                               Micheal Jordan

     engineering degree. Chris was chosen to be an
                                                                                B Y   J A Y D E
                                                                                         48 N   Y .   G R 3
     astronaut on June 8, 1992.
         Chris Hadfield has been to the ISS many                     Micheal Jordan was an NBA all star player;

     times, and he even made the first music video               he has played basketball since he was little.
     with a guitar in space. The guitar on the ISS               MJ was born on Feb 17, 1963 in Brooklyn

     was made in Vancouver, Canada. Chris made a                 New York, and he grew up in Wilmington,

     music video with the guitar of his version of               North Carolina. He went to The University of
     space oddity. David Bowie liked his version.                North Carolina and played for the school

     Also, in an interview he said sleeping in space             team. When MJ was in college, he could jump
     is like sleeping on a cloud because of the                  a 48 inch vertical leap, and people said he

     weightlessness. His youngest son told him to                was a great athlete and a great leader in

     do a music video in space.                                  college. Growing up with 6 brothers helped
         Chris also received many achievements from              him learn a lot and made him a good ball

     the schools he attended. He graduated from                  player and helped him work with a team
     Milton District High School. A fact is that Chris           better.

     was the recipient of the 1988 Liethen-title                     MJ has a lot of accomplishments, and he

     Award (top pilot graduate of the USAF test pilot            was one of the most successful basketball
     school). He also wrote the book "The Darkest                players of all time. He has 6 NBA

     Dark", which is a picture book. Furthermore,                championships, 5  NBA MVPs, and is the 2

     he’s on the Canadian most famous astronaut                  time NBA dunk contest champion.  When MJ
     postal stamp series.                                                                      QUANTUM TIMES  |   05
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