Page 4 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 4


              Roger Federer                                      him to be the world favourite. He has great
                                                                 victories against enemies.
                   B Y   A L E S S I O   W .   G R 3
                                                                    He has been defeated by Novak Djokovic
         Roger Federer is a world famous tennis star             and Rafael Nadal. Rafael has beaten Roger

     who was born on August 8, 1981. He was                      the most. In 2018, he lost to him twice. In
     normal until he started to play tennis. His                 2019, he had four losses. In 2020, he had only

     parents, Robert and Lynette, nor his sister,                one loss. However, Rafael Nadal has beaten
     Diana had an aptitude for it. They liked it                 Novak Djokovic. So basically the top two
     anyway. He had a very hard time controlling                 were battling against each other and Novak

     his temper and erupted like an active volcano               and Rafael were battling for top spot. From
     when he hit a dumb shot. One day his first                  the years 2008-2011 he has 12 losses.

     sports hero, Boris Becker lost. Roger had a                 Djokovic also has a 4-1 win against him and

     hard time controlling his anger, and he cried.              an even more telling 6-0 record against
     Between the ages of 10-14 he spent more time                Nadal. He has great wins, and he has great

     with coach Peter Carper than his parents! This              losses.

     is certainly an intense form of practice. Some                  My dad likes him too; I want to play tennis
     might say “spend more time with parents, not                like my dad, and I want to be a champion. I

     your coach”, but the advantage was he learnt                don’t need to learn from a teacher; my dad

     more and that made him a better tennis                      teaches me for free every weekend. Tennis
     player. He won the junior Wimbledon title, and              is not easy; players have to stay on the

     his childhood was changed by tennis.                        baseline, and you can’t pass to other people
         Roger has won 20 grand slam titles, 103 ATP             even though you can choose doubles.

     singles, 28 ATP masters and 6 ATP finals. He has            However, tennis is fun, and it's a great sport,

     beaten Rafa Nadal but can’t beat Novák                      and Roger Federer is one of the greatest to
     Djokovic. He has matched a feat with Bjorn                  ever play the game.

     Borg. He also has a record for 30 Wimbledon
     finals. From 2005-2010, he reached the finals in

     18 out of 19 grand slams, winning 12 titles and

     6 runner up trophies. He won 20 majors. He has
     won over 100 career titles and I bet he is a

     legend not just a pro. He also has 24 ATP 500

     titles. Nadal’s loss to Robin Soderling rocketed
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