Page 6 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 6


     first joined the Bulls, he wasn’t very good yet;                    Thomas Edison
     when he kept playing and learning, he grew up

     to be one of the most amazing basketball                                  B Y   W I L L I A M   L .   G R 3
     players in the world! When MJ got very good at                  Thomas Alva Edison was born on February

     basketball and played for a longer time, he                 11, 1847. He died on October 18, 1931. He
     became the first player to score more than                  was a random American inventor and

     3,000 points in a single season. Jordan retired             businessman. Thomas invented the light
     from the NBA three times. He first retired in               bulb, camera, and pictures. Well, that is not
     1993 and again in 1998, then finally hung up his            all of his inventions; that’s some of his

     jersey for good in 2003. Although he didn’t                 important inventions. He was the first
     know when to stop playing basketball, he still              inventor to apply the principles of organized

     became one of the best basketball players in                science.

     the world.                                                      Edison was born on February 11, 1847, in
         When he retired, he said a quote that was “I            Milan, Ohio. He was  the youngest of seven

     can accept failure. Everyone fails at something.            children. His father was an exiled politician

     But I can’t accept not trying.” Before MJ retired           from Canada. Edison only went to school for
     from basketball, he and NIKE signed a                       a few months so his mother taught him how

     partnership. Jordan is still on the board of                to read and how to write. Edison only went

     directors in NIKE. They made the Air Jordan                 to school for a few months because he did
     shoes about a month later, and they quickly                 poorly in school. So the school kicked him

     became bestsellers and were still a bestseller              out. That is why most of the things he knows
     more than 30 years later. NIKE made $2.9                    are taught by his mom. He didn’t go to

     billion dollars from the Air Jordan shoes in                university. He became a tramp telegrapher

     2018.                                                       when he was 15. When he had time, he often
         I like MJ and wrote about him because I love            took things apart to see how it worked.

     basketball, and also I would love to be an NBA                  Edison’s family  moved to Port Huron in
     legend and ALL STAR just like him! I wanted to              1854. There he made his first great

     write about MJ because this was a time to                   invention, the phonograph, in 1877. He was

     learn more information about him and what                   very excited and decided to keep on being a
     his childhood was like. MJ is good at working               scientist. He moved to New Jersey in 1870.

     on a team just like me. I like MJ for his                   There, he built his most famous laboratory.

     basketball abilities, and he has so many                    Together, Edison and his workers built the
     accomplishments that just blows my mind!                                                  QUANTUM TIMES  |   06
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