Page 11 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 11


     managed to charm Pat ,and they fell in love.                    After Stephen Curry finished college in
     When Roald was 37 and Pat was 27, they had a                2009 he went to the NBA, and was the 7th

     small wedding in New York City.                             pick selected by the Golden State Warriors.
         At last, Roald fell in love with another                Also, he won the FMVP at 2016, and three

     woman, and then he and Pat got divorced in                  championships in a row (2016, 2017, 2018).
     1983. Roald started his second marriage from                    Stephen Curry is still in his career with the

     1983. Later in life, Roald  was  diagnosed with a           Golden State Warriors, and he has a wife
     rare blood disease. On November 23, 1990,                   called Ayesha Curry. They have two
     Roald died at age seventy-four.                             daughters named Ryan and Riley, and he has

         I like reading Roald Dahl's novels because              a son named Cannon.  I chose to write about

     most of them are about magic, specifically, The             him because he is my idol, and he shoots
     Witches, The Magic Finger, The Twits and so on.             three pointers very well.

     They are hilarious and educational.
                                                                    The Great Inventor
              Stephen Curry

                                                                                  B Y   J O H N   L .   G R 5
                     B Y   W I L L   G .   G R 4
                                                                     Thomas Edison was born on February, 11,

         Stephen Curry is an American professional               1847, Milan, Ohio and was the youngest of

     basketball player for the Golden State                      the seven children. His father was a
     Warriors. He is a two-time MVP; he has one                  politician activist, and his mother was a

     FMVP, and has won three NBA championships,                  teacher. His ears were very bad, and he was
     and he was named the greatest shooter in the                almost deaf as an adult. His mother taught

     NBA history.                                                him at home, and Edison learned to self-

         He has a dad called Dell Curry, and he was an           educate. Edison self-educated for most of his
     NBA player. He has a mom called Sonya and                   learning. At age 12 he sold newspapers along

     she is a volleyball player. Stephen Curry was               the Grand Trunk Railroad line. Edison made

     born in 1988 on March the 14th in Akron.                    some little experiments on a train baggage
     Stephen Curry went to high school at Charlotte              car. Once he caught the car on fire and was

     Christian. He went to college in Davidson, and              kicked out and fired from selling

     Stephen Curry won two SoCon of the year and                 newspapers. Edison soon went to Cooper
     won one NCAA scoring leader and he was very                 Union High School but only just briefly. He

     good at college.                                            had a different early life than others.

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