Page 15 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 15


     books; his bestselling book is Bread street                 Coco Chanel was born as Gabrielle Chanel in
     kitchen. Now, Gordon Ramsay is a renowned                   the French countryside in 1883. Her family

     chef, restaurateur, writer, and Tv personality.             was very poor, and her mother died when
     His restaurants have been awarded 16                        Chanel was twelve. After her death, Chanel’s

     Michelin stars in total and currently hold a                father abandoned Chanel and her two
     total of seven.                                             sisters to live in an orphanage run by nuns.

         I find that Gordon Ramsay is a good                     Her two brothers were married into a
     motivator, one of the best selling authors,                 family, leaving no one to care for the three
     helps to improve contestants in their skills,               sisters. Life in the orphanage was very strict,

     loves his family a lot, and helps his kids to gain          but Coco did learn to sew and the

     a skill for a career in the future.  He once said, “        fundamental basics of making clothes.
     I think pressure is healthy and very few can                Chanel left the convent at the age of

     handle it”.  He works a tough life and is a very            eighteen and worked as a seamstress. She
     hard working person. What he says about his                 also sang at cafes, which was where she got
     life is “ If you want to become a great chef you            her new name, but did not have enough

     have to work with great chefs and that’s                    talent to have a career in singing.
     exactly what I did”. Gordon Ramsay is a great                   In 1908, Coco worked with Etienne Balson,

     example of a hard working person who became                 a very wealthy and rich aristocrat. Working

     a leader in his profession.                                 with Balson allowed Chanel to be familiar
                                                                 with many other rich aristocrats. In 1913,
      The Queen of Parisian                                      Coco got financial help from Arthur “Boy”

               Haute Couture                                     Capel, who was a lover of Chanel’s. Chanel

                                                                 opened a boutique in Deauville which
                       B Y   C L A I R E   S .   G R 6
                                                                 introduced a new line of sportswear. It was a
         “In order to be irreplaceable, one must                 huge success. Sadly, Capel died in a car

     always be different.”  This French woman                    crash, which left Chanel in tears. She was a

     was the queen of Parisian Haute Couture for                 very determined woman and said she would
     almost thirty years; she was the face of a                  die, or finish the work she and Arthur

     new fashion era and idols of many for her                   started. She did. She had a talent for

     desire of independence. Oftentimes when                     finishing what she started. In 1910, Chanel
     we remember the world’s strong-willed,                      became a licensed milliner, in 1918, she

     determined women, we remember her, Coco                     opened another boutique called “Chanel

     Chanel.,                                                                                  QUANTUM TIMES  |   15
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