Page 19 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 19


              Canada’s Prime                                     appeared as the legendary soldier Talbot
                       Minister                                  Papineau in a TV movie “The Great War” in

                                                                 2007. Other than having great acting skills
                     B Y   E T H A N   L .   G R 6               Justin showed that he also has great boxing

         Justin Trudeau, was born on December 25,                skills. In 2012, Justin Trudeau defeated

     1971 in Ottawa, Canada as the oldest son of                 conservative senator Patric Brazeau in a
     Pierre Trudeau, the famed Canadian Prime                    charity boxing match. Two years later Justin
     Minister. Justin was interested in politics early           went for Canada’s highest office. Justin

     on and Pierre Trudeau retired from politics in              Trudeau called for tax increases for the
     1983 when Justin was only 12 years old. Sadly               wealthy and less taxes for the middle class

     Justin's parents separated in 1977 and were                 in his campaign. He also said he would

     officially divorced in 1984. After Justin's                 protect abortion rights, legalize marijuana,
     parents divorced he moved to Montreal                       and work on the country’s climate change
     Quebec with Alexandre and Michel, his two                   policies. However, he did not know soon, he
     brothers. After moving to Quebec he started a               was going to become the Prime Minister of

     new life and went to college.                               Canada.

         Justin Graduated from secondary school at                   In October 2015, Justin Trudeau was
     Jean-de-Brébeuf college in Montreal Quebec,                 elected as Prime Minister of Canada with

     and attended McGill university. Justin went on              184 Parliament majority seats. In Justin
     to graduate with a Bachelor's degree of arts of             Trudeau’s victory speech he said according

     English literature. After graduation, Justin                to the National Post, "Canadians have

     Trudeau moved to Whistler BC and after a few                spoken. You want a government with a
     months went to teachers college at UBC. Justin              vision and an agenda for this country that is

     earned another Bachelor’s Degree but instead                positive and ambitious and hopeful... I

     it is a Bachelor's degree of education at UBC.              promise you tonight that I will lead that
     After graduating at UBC Justin found a job                  government”. Justin Trudeau was the second

     working at a school in Vancouver BC.                        youngest person to become prime minister

         Justin Trudeau began his political life in 2007         in Canada, just behind Joe Clark. In
     when he began campaigning for a parliament                  November 2015, Justin Trudeau made

     seat representing the Montreal Papineau                     headlines when he hired half of his cabinet
     district, winning it in 2008. Justin Trudeau also           women honoring a campaign promise of

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