Page 28 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 28
The Origin of Light laboratory continued on even after the
Bomb death of its founders. Although Edison made
so many accomplishments in his life, he
B Y T I F F A N Y Z . G R 7
never received the Nobel Prize. Although
In February of 1847, an important historical Edison was in poor condition since he was
figure was born in Ohio, America. He lived a young, he continued to work hard and made
total of 84 years and accomplished thousands his ideas come true.
of achievements. He’s a scientist, engineer, I am impressed that even though Edison
inventor, and entrepreneur; his full name is was deaf, he was still able to invent an
Thomas Alva Edison. electric vote recorder. What is also
Edison was the youngest child in his family. interesting is that “Mary has a little lamb”
When he was at the age of 7, he got Scarlet was first recorded on this device. I learned a
Fever and ear infections, which meant he was lot from one of his famous quotes “Invention
nearly deaf when he was still a child. Edison is two percent inspiration and 98 percent
had only a little education. He only studied in perspiration.” Edison was not a genius, but
school for 3 months, and he left school in 1859. he believed his success was the result of all
The reason was Edison was hyperactive, so his his hard work and perseverance. His effort
teacher could not handle him. Then, Edison and spirit is worth learning.
started to work on the railroad between
Detroit and Port Huron. The First Computer
In 1878, Edison invented electric light. He Programmer
also invented movies, the phonograph, and
B Y V I C T O R I A C . G R 7
motion picture camera. These made a huge
impact on our modern day. He developed many Agusta Ada Byron was born as the only
devices that required a lot of electricity. He daughter of Lord George Gordon Byron and
worked in a research development facility. One Lady Anne Isabella Milbanke Byron on
of his good friends Henry Ford helped Edison. December 10, 1815. Their marriage was very
At the end, Edison held patents for more than unhappy since Lord Byron left Ada and her
1000 inventions. mother weeks after Ada was born. A few
In the beginning of the 20th century, Edison months later, Lord Byron left England, and
established the general electric research they never saw him again. He then died in
laboratory with four other co-founders. This Greece when Ada was only eight years old.