Page 43 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 43


     him in the ranking of billionaires or even                  language business at the Foreign Languages
     trillionaires, what he had done with his wealth             of Hangzhou Teachers College.

     is what will be marked in the long 5000 years of                Ma Yun is also a very kind person. On April
     human history.                                              3, 2015, Ma Yun donated 100 million RMB to

                                                                 his mother school, Hangzhou Normal
            Jack Ma/Ma Yun                                       University, and set up the "Hangzhou

                    B Y   C H A S E N   C .   G R 9              Normal University Ma Yun Education
         Jack Ma is a man that earns a lot of money.             Foundation", which was usually used to fund
     His life is talked about as a legendary story. He           educational projects. Also in April 2015, Ma

     was born on 10 September 1964, and he is a                  Yun, Ma Huateng and others set up another

     Chinese businessman, investor, and politician.              foundation that helps with the Environment
     He is the co-founder and former executive                   protection.

     chairman of Alibaba group, which is an                          As of April 2020, Ma is the second-richest
     overseas technology group. Ma is a strong                   person in China with $42.1 billion, as well as

     supporter of an open school. That’s the thing               one of the richest people in the world,

     that makes him rich and powerful.                           ranked 17th by Forbes.  In 2019, Forbes
         Ma is a global ambassador for Chinese                   named Ma in its list of "Asia's 2019 Heroes of

     business and is often listed as one of the                  charity" To praise him for his work for the

     world's most powerful people. However, no                   Chinese, Africa, Australia, and the Middle
     one knows that Ma had difficulties during his               East community.

     early years. In 1982, after finishing his high                  The last thing I want to say is that Ma Yun

     school, Ma Yun joined the first university                  is a person with a lot of perseverance. It is
     entrance exam and got 1 point in math. In                   because of this perseverance Ma Yun can

     1983, he took the high school exam for the                  have today's achievements. I admire Ma for
     second time, and still failed. He got 19 points in          many reasons; for example, I like Ma Yun's

     mathematics. Therefore, after his father                    spirit very much. His long-term efforts

     asked, he started to send books on bicycle for              finally paid off. Also, Ma Yun is a decisive
     the three kinds of books called Psalms of                   person. When he is in trouble, he will not

     Mountain and Sea,  The Eastern Sea and The                  waste his time. He will solve the problem
     Southern River. In 1984, he joined the                      decisively. I regard him as my goal. Learn the

     university entrance exam for the third time,                advantages of him. His perseverance and

     with a score of 89 in math, and finally entered             decisiveness made me choose to write his
     the junior college of the foreign                           biography.                    QUANTUM TIMES  |   43
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