Page 38 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 38


     attention to a national tour on behalf of the                           The road to
     war effort, following which he made a film the                    becoming one of

     US government used to popularize the Liberty                       the richest men
     Loan drive: “The Bond.”

         His next commercial venture was a comedy                                B Y   O W E N   Z .   G R 8

     about war called “Shoulder Arms”,  at the right                 On April 4, 1975 a small company was
     time in 1918, proved a veritable mirthquake at              founded by a man. No one knew he would

     the box office and added enormously to                      become the richest person in the United
     Chaplin’s popularity.                                       States. No one knew he would change the

         Chaplin died on Christmas on December 25,               world so much. Bill Gates the founder of

     1977, in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland. He died of a             Microsoft.
     stroke in his sleep, at the age of 88. On March                 Bill Gates and Paul Allen, who started the

     1, 1978, Chaplin’s body was stolen by a small               company with Gates, have lived their
     group of Swiss people. They were trying to get              dreams to own a computer company. They

     money from Chaplin’s family, but it didn’t                  came a long way from high school to starting

     work. The criminals were caught 11 weeks                    their first company and to owning the most
     later, near where  Charlie’s body was found                 powerful company, they have gone down in

     near Lake Geneva.                                           history for creating Microsoft.

         I respect Charles Chaplin for three reasons.                Bill Gates grew up in Seattle, Washington
     First it’s because his work is known to the                 with his brothers. In Bill's early life, his

     public; Second, he was a very hard working                  family atmosphere was warm and close, and

     person  and he was full of perseverance. Last               he was encouraged to be competitive with
     but not least, Chaplin lived in a very poor                 three of his brothers. BIll had a very good

     childhood. Chaplin worked as an actor when he               relationship with his mother Marry.
     was a child, making work laughter is a must.                    Bill Gates received some great education;

     His hard life is also the base and material for             he usually spent hours and hours reading

     most of his future works. It can be said that               books. However, when Bill was around 11,
     each of his works reflects the poverty and                  his parents began to worry about his

     helplessness of the subordinate working                     behavior despite the fact that he was doing
     people in Britain Bitter and difficult. This is             great in school; they were worried that he

     why I respect Charles Chaplin.                              might become a loner. When Gates turned

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