Page 37 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 37


     quickly, and they started working together. He              Fred Karno returned to the United States in
     was the chairman of Microsoft until February                the fall of 1912 for a repeat act, Chaplin was

     2014, then he became the technology adviser                 offered a motion picture contract.
     for the company.                                                He finally agreed to appear before the

         Bill Gates has a very remarkable life. Many             cameras at the expiration of his vaudeville

     people would love to have the same life as his.             commitments in November 1913;  his
     Another quote from him is “Life is not fair —               entrance in the cinema world took place
     get used to it.” Thus, don’t give up because                that month when he joined Mack Sennett
     even a billionaire thinks life is not fair.                 and the Keystone Film Company. His initial

                                                                 salary was $150 per week, but his overnight
            Charles Chaplin                                      success on the screen spurred other actors

                                                                 to start negotiations for his services.
                      B Y   L U N A   Y .   G R 8
                                                                     In 1915, Chaplin was even more in demand
         Charles “Charlie” Chaplin (16 April 1889 - 25           and signed with the Mutual Film Corporation

     December 1977) was an English comic actor,                  for a much larger sum to make 12 comedies.

     filmmaker, and composer. He became a                        The comedies include “The Floorwalker”,
     famous person through his performance on                    “The Fireman”, “The Vagabond”, “One A.M.”,

     screen.                                                     “The Count”, “The Pawnshop”, “Behind the

         Charles Chaplin was born in London, England             Screen”, “The Rink”, “Easy Street”, “The
     on April 16th, 1889. His father was a singer and            Cure”, “The Immigrant” and “The

     actor; his mother was also an actress and                   Adventurer”.
     singer. When Chaplin was about twelve years                     When Chaplin’s contract with Mutual

     old, he got his first chance to act in a                    expired in 1917, Chaplin decided to become

     legitimate stage show, and he acted “Billy” in              an independent producer in a desire for
     the “Sherlock Holmes”. At the close of this                 more freedom and greater vacancy in

     engagement, Charlie started his career as a                 making his movies. To that end, he busied
     comedian, and he was taken by the Fred Karno                himself with the construction of his own

     Repertoire Company to the United States in                  studios.

     1910 as a featured actor.                                       In 1918, Chaplin entered into an
         Chaplin scored a quick hit with American                agreement with First National Exhibitors’

     audiences, especially his characterization in a             Circuit. His first film under this new deal was

     movie  “A Night in an English Music Hall.” When             “A Dog’s Life”. After this film, he turned his
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