Page 36 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 36


         The Second Richest                                      was doing well in all of the other subjects.
               Man On Earth                                      He then graduated from Lakeside School in

                                                                 1973. He scored 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT
                      B Y   L U C A S   L .   G R 8              test and enrolled at Harvard University.

         Bill Gates is the second richest man on Earth.              Bill Gates dropped out of university in

     You would think these kinds of people are far               1975 to pursue his business, Microsoft, with
     away from us, but they actually have many                   partner Allen. Bill Gates and Paul Allen
     connections with us. People all want to earn                became fast friends because they both love
     money, but some people don’t know how to.                   computers, even though they have different

     Bill Gates is one of the most successful                    personalities. In 1970, at the age of 15, Gates

     businessmen in the world. Microsoft is a well-              and Allen started a business together. They
     known company that most people have                         earned $20,000 for the first program they

     connections with. Bill Gates is the founder of              wrote, but Bill Gates’s parents wanted him
     Microsoft. He studied at Harvard University in              to become a lawyer.

     1973 and dropped out in 1975. He has two                        The Altair computer was made by a small

     sisters in his family. Now, he is well-known as             company in Albuquerque, New Mexico,
     an entrepreneur, investor, software engineer                called Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry

     and philanthropist. Here’s an interesting quote             Systems (MITS). They kept working with

     that Gates once said, “Don’t compare yourself               MITS until 1977 when the MITS president Ed
     with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are            Roberts sold MITS to another company and

     insulting yourself.” As a Chinese student, I get            became a doctor. Yet, Ed Robert really

     compared with other kids many times. Our                    inspired Bill Gates. They sued the new owner
     parents kept on saying that, and it’s really                to retain their rights they had developed for

     annoying. Most Chinese kids probably have the               Atlair, and moved the company’s operation
     same feelings as mine.                                      to Bellevue, Washington, just east of Seattle.

         Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955, in             Although the company didn’t start out

     Seattle, Washington. His mother is a teacher                smoothly, by 1979 Microsoft was grossing
     who helped raise the children and worked on                 approximately $2.5 million. At the age of 23,

     civic affairs and with charities. Bill Gates is             Bill Gates placed himself as the head of the
     actually very talented at computing. He wrote               company. In 1980, IBM was looking for a

     a tic-tac-toe program for the students to play              software that would operate their PC, and

     against the computer. At the same time, he                  they found Bill Gates. He impressed IBM
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