Page 41 - Quantum Times 2020 Summer Edition
P. 41


                                                                 man throughout history. His net worth was
                                                                 much higher than Jeff Bezos, and unlike

                                                                 many billionaires today, he directly helped
                                                                 people with his wealth and forever marked

                                                                 his name in history.
                                                                     Mansa Musa, the emperor of the Mali

                                                                 empire was born in 1280 in Mali of west

                                                                 Africa. In 1312, he became the emperor of
                                                                 the Mali empire after his predecessor had

                                                                 gone missing, and with Mansa Musa coming
                                                                 to throne, he started his long reign of 25

                                                                 years. In 1324, he started his 4000 mile

                                                                 pilgrimage to the Muslim holy city of Mecca.
                                                                 While he was on his way, he took control of

                                                                 the land Gao and Timbuktu, the capital and

                                                                 one of the most important cities of the
                                                                 Songhai kingdom. After conquering the two

                                                                 cities, Mansa Musa continued to expand his

                                                                 empire taking over many territories such as
                                                           5     the current day’s Senegal, Guinea, Niger,

                                                                 Nigeria, and Chad which is around 2,000
                                                                 miles of land. After his pilgrimage, he owned

           The Real Richest                                      a sizable portion of west Africa, making the

                          Man                                    Mali empire one of the biggest empires in
                                                                 the world at that time. Also, with the 24
                     B Y   A L A N   W .   G R 9
                                                                 conquered cities, it unlocked many more
         When you are asked who the world’s richest              trade routes that allowed them to trade

     man is, you would probably think of Bill Gates              with more countries.

     or Jeff Bezos; that might be true if we’re talking              The richest man today is the founder of
     about people today, but if we look throughout               Amazon with over 145 billion USD in net

     history, it was actually an emperor of the Mali             worth. Just the amount of money Jeff Bezos

     empire that was the world’s richest                         has is incomprehensible for ordinary people,
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