Page 11 - Progress Report 2020-2021 RV_Classical
P. 11

A Landmark United Nations Treaty On Mediation Named After Singapore

            A  landmark  United  Nations  Treaty  that  aims
            to  promote  mediation  in  settling  cross-border
            commercial  disputes  signed  by  50  countries  in
            Singapore came into force on 12 September 2020.
            Prime  Minister  Lee  Hsien  Loong  hailed  it  as  a
            powerful  statement  supporting  multiculturalism.
            Deputy  Prime  Minister  and  Coordinating  Minister
            for Economic Affairs and Minister for Finance, Mr
            Heng  Swee  Keat,  said  the  Convention’s  signing
            signals  Singapore’s  commitment  to  a  rule-based
            international order. UN Secretary-General Antonio
            Guterres  echoed  Prime  Minister  Lee’s  remarks,
            saying the Convention would include contributions
            toward  strengthening  the  rule  of  law  and

            Mrs Natalie Morris-Sharma, Director of International
            Law and an NYAA Gold Award holder (2000 Cohort)    Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Home Affairs
            and  former  Chairperson  of  the  NYAA  Gold  Award   & Law Minister, Mr K. Shanmugam with Mrs Natalie
            Holders’  Alumni,  chaired  Singapore’s  Mediation   Morris-Sharma,  NYAA  Gold  Award  holder  (2000
            Team that negotiated the treaty.                   Cohort).

                     Onelyst And Rely, A Singapore-Based Financial Technology Company

            Mr  Mohamed  Abbas,  Co-Founder  of  Rely  and  an   Channel  News  Asia  featured  Mr  Abbas  on  Chinese
            NYAA  Gold  Award  holder  (2015  cohort),  came   primetime  news  on  22  September  2022  for  his
            from a humble background. Both Abbas’s parents    contributions to helping the less well-off community
            are  hawkers,  and  having  grown  up  in  a  low-  through the apps he created. Many small businesses
            income  family,  he  is  constantly  worried  about  his   could take off with the support of Onelyst and Rely
            future.  Mr  Abbas  is  always  grateful  to  the  NYAA,   software.
            who  encouraged  him  to  study  hard  and  have  a
            positive attitude in life. He did well and received a
            scholarship to study Banking and Finance at NTU.
            However, Abbas realised that many less well-off but
            honest people who need a small loan to help start a
            business have no chance of getting a loan from the
            banks as they do not have collateral.
            Abbas came up with an idea to develop software to
            help a vulnerable group of people. He created the
            software  Onelyst  and  made  history  in  Singapore
            when he crossed the $100 million mark in the first
            year of operation with the support of OCBC Bank,                Mr Mohamed Abbas
            which helped small businesses.                          NYAA Gold Award holder (2015 Cohort)

            Subsequently, he co-founded Rely; a fintech startup
            offering  Buy  Now  Pay  Later  (BNPL)  services  in
            Singapore.  Forbes  Magazine  named  Mohamed
            Abbas one of the top 40 under 40, and he received
            many awards for his achievements.

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