Page 9 - Progress Report 2020-2021 RV_Classical
P. 9
Fundraising For Virus-Affected Migrants Worker Through The Lens
Mr Darren Soh, an architectural and landscape and
award-winning photographer and an NYAA Gold
Award holder (1995 cohort), initiated a fundraising
project with the support of seven professional
photographers. They donated their images online
for sale to help the COVID-19 virus affected migrant
workers in Singapore. The 100 photos donated
by the photographers raised over $60,000 for the
foreign migrant workers. The fundraising project
also helped to highlight the challenges faced by
these migrant workers who are unable to work due
to the pandemic.
Mr Darren Soh
NYAA Gold Award holder (1998 Cohort)
NYAA Gold Awardees Invented A Face Shield To Protect Teachers
Ms Tay Lin Zhen, a Higher National ITE Certificate
(HNitec) in Chemical Technology with ITE College
East and an NYAA Gold Awardee, led a team of
students guided by their lecturers came up with
an idea to integrate the megaphone design with
a standard face shield which only to protect the
teachers/lecturers against the COVID-19. They
have designed the face shield embedded with a
megaphone device to improve voice level during
teaching and protect the face from the COVID-19
virus. In addition, the megaphone acts as a
diaphragm. Therefore, teachers using the device
do not have to project their voices too much. Ms Tay Lin Zhen, NYAA Gold awardee.
According to the students, even when lecturers
wear the face shield with a mask, the face shield
can improve the voice level by a few decibels.
The device was a great success, and all three ITE
Colleges Lecturers and schools that needed the
face shields used the face shields.