Page 7 - Progress Report 2020-2021 RV_Classical
P. 7

Contributions Of NYAA Award Recipients

                                  During The COVID-19 Pandemic In 2020

                                      Donation Of Masks And Medical Items

            Mr Roddy Mu, Managing Director, Wanhe International
            Singapore  and  an  NYAA  Gold  Award  holder  (2002
            cohort), was the first Singaporean to donate 1.8 tons
            of medical items to Harbin First Hospital.

            During the initial outbreak of COVID-19, the shipment
            was  overcrowded  and  delayed  as  there  were  few
            flights  departing  to  China.  However,  with  the
            assistance of NYAA and the Ministry of Finance, the
            shipment  arrangement  and  customs  clearance  was
            expedited.  As  a  result,  Roddy  successfully  sent  the
            medical  items  to  Harbin  on  28  February  2020.  The
            Honourable Mayor of Harbin City was very grateful to
            the NYAA and Singapore for the kind assistance.

           In  return  for  NYAA’s  help  in  February  during  the
           lockdown  in  China,  Harbin  returned  its  favour  by
           donating  more  than  300,000  masks  to  Singapore  in
           April  2020,  when  the  production  of  masks  in  China   Appreciation  letter  from  the  Mayor  of
           resumed.                                                 Harbin, People’s Republic of China.

           300 NYAA participants and NYAA officials helped pack
           the masks in an efficient assembly line at ITE College
           East for distribution to the needy in our community
           and schools.

           Mr Mu also delivered 100,000 masks to the Foreign
           Worker Settling-In Programme (FWSIP) centre on 20
           April 2020.

                                                                                 Mr Roddy Mu
                                                                     NYAA Gold Award holder (2002 Cohort)

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