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                                   REPORT ON THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF
                                        NYAA GOLD AWARD HOLDERS
                                        NY AA   GOLD     A W ARD HOLDERS
                           DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC (2020 TO 2021)
                           DURING THE COVID-19 P             ANDEMIC (2020 T        O 2021)

            2020  and  2021  were  particularly  tough  years  for   It was heartening to see several students go beyond
            Singapore  and  our  fellow  Singaporeans  because   programme  requirements  to  spread  the  word
            of  the  COVID-19  Safety  Management  Measures    and  raise  awareness  of  what  they  witnessed  and
            (SMM)  and  restrictions.  NYAA’s  activities  could   awakened to the issues. They learnt to use visual
            not be organised. All physical activities have been   art such as photography and videography for this.
            suspended,  especially  the  co-curricular  activities   As a result – and learning from each other – they
            (CCA).  The  NYAA  Council's  primary  goal  was  to   became  even  savvier  in  using  digital  and  social
            ensure that this calamity did not lose the momentum   media platforms for good.
            gained in the preceding years. We were determined
            to  find  creative  ways  to  continue  to  develop  the   We in the NYAA Council are challenging ourselves
            hearts and minds of the youths.                    to  find  ways  to  deepen  the  connection  with  the
                                                               programme  participants  –  past  and  present  –  to
            The solution lay in us converting the pandemic from   keep the fire burning. The programme has motivated
            crisis to opportunity. The NYAA resolved to find new   many of them to become dynamic contributors and
            ways to give the youths a hands-on experience in   leaders in the community. The NYAA continues to
            understanding  how  a  problem  of  this  magnitude   work with our network of educational institutions,
            can disrupt lives, especially for the less fortunate in   community  and  grassroots  organisations,  and
            society. We wanted this real-life experience to spark   government  agencies  to  provide  opportunities
            and  deepen  their  desire  to  do  something  about   for  the  youths  to  hone  what  they  learned  in  the
            it  collectively  and  as  individuals.  We  leveraged   programme and pay it forward.
            technology  through  online  applications  as  the
            youths were savvy with it.                         Over  the  years,  the  programme  has  helped
                                                               many  youths  from  humble  backgrounds  gain  the
            NYAA developed leadership in three key areas. First,   confidence  to  transcend  their  limitations  to  serve
            the  young  people's  awareness  of  the  realities  on   their community with verve and belief. It's heartening
            the ground was heightened by what they saw and     to  see  how  this  has  contributed  to  levelling  the
            experienced. Second, for many of them, it was the   playing field in a quiet yet systematic way – to make
            first time they witnessed what people in a wholly   it an equal society. It will not be an exaggeration to
            different  socio-economic  class  were  experiencing   say that the NYAA Youth Leadership Development
            and how they were coping. Third, the programme     Programme has had a transformational impact on
            'forced'  these  young  Singaporeans  out  of  their   the participants.
            comfort  bubbles.  This  experiential  learning  was
            made possible by sharing stories and photographs/  “The Gold  Award  celebrates your  growth,
            videos via mobile applications.                    leadership and perseverance. This is the beginning
                                                               of the next stage of your NYAA journey when you
            Second, it increased their capacity for empathy and   embark on ‘Service Beyond Gold’. You will be in a
            understanding.  The  revelations  made  them  better   great position to motivate other youths and mentor
            appreciate and be grateful for what they have. For   them in their leadership and growth journeys.”
            several youths, these experiences altered their lives
            and perspectives permanently. They helped improve   Mr Heng Swee Keat
            the  youths'  interactions  with  their  family,  friends,   Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister
            teachers and the community. Even as it made them   for Economic Policies and Chairman, National
            question more, they became less cynical.           Youth Achievement Award Advisory Board
            Third, the youths became motivated – intrinsically
            –  to  walk  the  talk  and  find  solutions.  The  young   The  NYAA  is  very  grateful  to  our  supporters  and
            people  have  done  it  individually  and  in  groups.   partners in our youth leadership development and
            They discovered new interests and developed new    looking forward to continuing to work in partnership
            skills such as first aid and CPR. They also became   with them in our quest to build an equal society by
            more  confident  in  basic  but  critical  routines  such   helping  inspire  generations  of  youths  to  become
            as categorising, packing and distributing food and   influential community leaders driven by a heart to
            other necessities for needy families.

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