Page 32 - Progress Report 2020-2021 RV_Classical
P. 32
All Trams In Mandai Wildlife Reserves To Run On Electricity
All trams at the Singapore Zoo, River Safari, Night
Safari and Jurong Bird Park will run on electricity by
2021. Dr Angela Lee Hui Mien, Vice-President for
Sustainable Solutions of Mandai Park Development
and an NYAA Gold Award holder (2002 Cohort), was
responsible for making sustainable choices that will
help have cleaner air in our parks.
Under Dr Lee’s leadership, Wildlife Reserve has
gone beyond transforming its vehicle fleet in the
push for low-carbon transport.
Dr Lee is working towards sustainable transport as
there is a need to address both visitors coming to
Mandai and their on-site fleet. Dr Lee was exposed Dr Angela Lee
to many environmental issues during her younger NYAA Gold Award holder (2002 Cohort)
days, which helped prepare her well as a leader of
tomorrow in Sustainability.
Change the Present, Save the Future
Forty strong environmental advocates in Singapore
joined Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and
the Environment, at the physical launch of the
“Change the Present, Save the Future” Dialogue as
part of the Climate Action Week 2021.
H.E. Lynn McDonald, High Commissioner of
Canada to Singapore, who spoke at the event,
praised NYAA’s effort and close partnership and
collaboration with the Government of Canada to
mitigate climate change in Singapore and globally.
She also commended the NYAA for providing our
youth with the opportunities and platform to be
engaged with government and corporate sectors.
Many NYAA Gold Award holders play a crucial role
in spearheading Sustainability in Singapore and at
the U.N. level.
Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
Back in 2008, when the concept of product
sustainability was still relatively new, Dr Angela
Lee, a former scientist with A*STARS’s Singapore
Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIM TECH)
and an NYAA Gold Award holder (2002 Cohort),
partnered with Nanyang Optical to develop the
world’s first almost recycled eyewear frame with
her team. As a result, the A*STAR 2021 Scholarship
recruitment poster featured Dr Lee as the model for
the recruitment poster. Dr Angela Lee
NYAA Gold Award holder (2002 Cohort)