Page 37 - Progress Report 2020-2021 RV_Classical
P. 37
Sporting Spirit of Singaporean
Ms Helena Wong, a lecturer at ITE College Central
and an NYAA Gold Award holder (2008 Cohort),
made history in 2010 when she was selected to
represent Team Singapore at the Commonwealth
Games in New Delhi in the Women Weighlifting.
At 27, she was diagnosed with two independent
cancers, a rare condition. Nevertheless, Helena
believed that nothing in life is impossible. Self-pity
was not an option for her, and she put her best effort
to deal with the disease.
She had to retire from competitive weight lifting.
However, her sporting spirit was high, and she
worked hard and kept her links by serving as a “I am grateful to the NYAA for cultivating my spirit
referee. She also found a new way to coach the next of perseverance, self-reliance, self-improvement and
generation of women’s weight lifters for Singapore. responsibility. Living these values has shaped me to
be the person I am today – having a good attitude,
Helena thanked the NYAA for cultivating her spirit being adventurous, never giving up in life, always
of perseverance, self-reliance, self-improvement learning new things, and most importantly, being of
and responsibility. Living these values has shaped service to the community and nation.”
her to be the person she is today. She successfully
coached and mentored six Singapore weightlifters, Helena Wong
three males and three females, who qualified for Lecturer, ITE College Central
the Commonwealth Games 2022 held from July to Coach, Singapore Weight Lifting Federation
August in Birmingham, United Kingdom. NYAA Gold Award holder (2008 Cohort)
First COP26 Youth Climate Dialogue 2021
The United Kingdom, Italy and Singapore engaged
with youth to tackle sustainability issues at the
Singapore First Pre-COP26 Youth Climate Dialogue
2021. Singapore youth demonstrated their passion
and commitment to shaping the environment and
sustainability agenda at the COP26 Youth Climate
Dialogue. Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability
and the Environment, graced the event. The event
allowed our youth to engage in the environment and
sustainability space, enabling young people to share
their concerns and perspectives and connect with a
larger global community. “I have learned what leadership is all about through
my NYAA journey, to lead by example and develop my
Ms Cheryl Lee, an NYAA Gold Award holder (2017 passion for protecting our environment. It’s always
Cohort), was the Guest speaker at the First COP26 an amazing experience learning from one another
Youth Climate Dialogue held in March 2021 at the and being part of a larger community advocating
Regent Singapore Ballroom. The audience well- environmental protection and nature conservation”.
received her presentation.
Ms Cheryl Lee
Environmental Advocate
NYAA Gold Award holder (2017 Cohort)