Page 42 - Progress Report 2020-2021 RV_Classical
P. 42

United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change 2021

            Since  her  polytechnic  days,  Ms  Cheryl  Lee,  an
            environmental  advocate  on  climate  change  and  an
            NYAA  Gold  Award  holder  (2017  Cohort),  has  been
            an  environmental  champion.  Ms  Lee  has  served
            as  Singapore’s  youth  representative  at  the  United
            Nations South East Asian Youth Environment Network
            (SEAYEN)  since  2016.  She  is  a  sought-after  speaker
            on environmental issues and advocacy at TED Talks,
            foreign embassies events, and environmental forums
            and conferences.
                                                              Singapore’s Delegation with Ms Grace Fu, Minister for
            Ms Lee represented the NYAA at the United Nations  Sustainability and the Environmnet at COP 26.
            Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
            in  Bonn,  Germany,  in  2018,  Madrid,  Spain,  in  2019
            and Glasgow, Scotland, in 2021, where she served as
            moderator in three youth dialogue events hosted by
            Thailand, Japan and World Wildlife Fund.

            Ms  Lee  also  shared  her  experiences  with  the
            Singapore  delegation  led  by  Ms  Grace  Fu,  Minister
            for Sustainability and the Environment and Mr Joseph
            Teo, Singapore Chief Climate Change Negotiator.

                                                              Ms Cheryl Lee, NYAA Gold Award holder (2017 Cohort)
                                                              at COP 26.

                                                  Nature In The City

            Mr  Darren  Soh,  an  architectural  and  landscape
            photographer  and  NYAA  Gold  Award  holder  (1998
            Cohort),  led  three  award-winning  photographers
            to  mentor  40  students  from  secondary  schools,  ITE
            and  polytechnics  in  the  art  of  capturing  nature  in
            Singapore through the lens.

            The workshops held in November and December 2021
            discovered  many  raw  talents  in  our  young  people.
            One participant, Ms Shan Yi from ITE College East, was
            unaware of her hidden talent. She captures a magical
            image outside HortPark on the Alexander Arch toward
            the Southern Ridges, an almost perfect image through   Youth participants with Mr Desmond Lee, Minister for
            her lens. She displayed significant potential to join the   National Development.
            ranks of renowned award-winning photographers in
            Singapore if she continues to develop her skills.

                                                              Mr  Darren  Soh,  NYAA  Gold  Award  holder  (1998
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