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NYAA Ceremony At Tanah Merah Prison
The National Youth Achievement Award Ceremony
Ceremony was held on 17 November 2021 at Tanah
Merah Prison. 33 Gold, 32 Silver and 17 Bronze
Awards were awarded to the young offenders. The
theme for NYAA 2021 Ceremony was “Step Up to
Reach Out”. To aspire and dream, excel through
learning and pave your path.
Mr Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Education, graced
the 2021 NYAA Ceremony at Tanah Merah Prison
Cluster A. Mr Edward Chia, Member of Parliament
for Holland-Bukit Timah GRC and Mr Sim Hwee
Cher, a former partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers
and NYAA Council Member, graced the Tanah NYAA Gold Awardee receiving the Award from Mr
Merah Prison Cluster B and C. Chan Chun Sing, Minister for Education.
SkillsFuture Fellowship Award 2021
Dr Charles Phua Chao Rong, Chief Executive
Officer, Solaris Strategies Singapore and an NYAA
Gold Award holder (2002 Cohort), has been
helping NYAA in the development of a leadership
programme for the members of the NYAA Gold
Award Holders’ Alumni (GAHA), to be influential
leaders with communication and interpersonal
skills, motivation, inspiration and better decision-
making skills and accountability.
In December 2021, Dr Charles Phua was conferred
the SkillsFuture Fellowship Award by President
Halimah Yacob.
Dr Charles Phua
NYAA Gold Award holder (2002 Cohort)
A-List by Eco-Business Award 2021
For the first time since the launch of the A-List by
Eco-Business in 2019, the organisers recognise
people from the corporate world and individuals
working in government and civil society sectors,
working to drive positive environmental and social
impact around them. Especially for Sustainability
professionals aged 30 and below in the Asia Pacific
Ms Cheryl Lee, an environmental activist and
an NYAA Gold Award holder (2017 Cohort), and
Singapore’s Youth Representative at the United
Nations Environment South East Asian Youth
Environment Network (SEAYEN) was awarded Ms Cheryl Lee
the Eco-Business A-List Youth Award 2021 for her NYAA Gold Award holder (2017 Cohort)
outstanding leadership and contributions towards
environmental sustainability.