Page 46 - Progress Report 2020-2021 RV_Classical
P. 46
NYAA Gold Award Holders in Public Sector
Many Gold Award holders serve in the public sector in the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Home Affairs and
other Ministries. Below are some examples:
Singapore Armed Forces
Major Sam Tan, NYAA Gold Award holder (2018
Cohort) with U.S. Secretary of Defence H.E. Leon
Major Lim En, Commanding Officer of the 24th Panetta.
Battalion, Singapore Artillery, Singapore Armed
Forces and an NYAAGold Award holder (2007
Cohort), was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Major Sam Tan, a Naval Officer of the Republic
Colonel on 1 July 2021 SAF Day. of Singapore Navy with the Joint Operations
Department, Ministry of Defence and an NYAA
LTC Lim En is currently the Deputy Director (Policy Gold Award holder (2018 Cohort), was promoted
and Operations Planning) at the Ministry of to Lieutenant Colonel on 1 July 2021 SAF Day.
Officer Cadet Commissioning Parade 2020 & 2021
2nd Lt Bryan Tan Guang Jun from ITE College East/
Singapore Polytechnic and NYAA Gold Award holder
(2016 Cohort) received the Republic of Singapore Air
Force Sword of Honor at the 117/19 Officer Cadet
Passing Out Parade on 13 June 2020. Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Heng Swee Keat,
graced the virtual ceremony. Due to the COVID-19
pandemic, DPM Heng delivered his speech via video.
Mr James Soh, NYAA Executive Director, presented
2nd Lt Bryan Tan a Certificate of Achievement signed
by DPM witnessed by Dr Yek Tiew Ming, Principal of
ITE College East.
2nd Lt Bryan Tan is also an active community leader
in charge of Sports at Limbang Division, Marsiling-
Yew Tee GRC, anchored by Minister for Finance, Mr
Lawrence Wong. 2nd Lt Bryan Tan
NYAA Gold Award holder (2016 Cohort)