Page 34 - Progress Report 2020-2021 RV_Classical
P. 34
Race Issues And Challenges In Singapore
350 Malay Muslim youth participated in a hybrid
dialogue on race issues and challenges in Singapore
with Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for
Social Policies, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, in July
2021. Dr Mustfa Izzuddin, a Senior international Affairs
Analyst and Solaris Strategies Singapore and Senior
Lecturer of the National University of Singapore and
an NYAA Gold Award holder (2002 Cohort), moderated
the dialogue session.
The youth actively engaged Senior Minister Tharman
in the question and answered session. Senior Minister
answered and explained the various issues and
challenges faced in Singapore and encouraged them Dr Mustafa Izzuddin, NYAA Gold Award
to play an active role in mitigating and resolving the holder (2002 Cohort) with Senior Minister
problems. and Coordinating Minister for Social Policies,
Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam.
Eugene Seah Medal and Prize in Built Management 2021
Mr Eugene Seah, Managing Director, Surbana
Technologies of Surbana Jurong Group and an NYAA
Gold Award holder (1995 Cohort), has contributed to
the National University of Singapore and the Institute
of Technical Education by giving back to society. In
March 2021, Mr Seah donated prize money as a
scholarship for ITE students and NUS students.
“I have gained much from the NYAA in the
development of my leadership qualities,
organisational skills and many other life skills
which helped me in my quest seeking solutions
for the Small Nation initiatives. Mr Eugene Seah
NYAA Gold Award holder (1995 Cohort)
Mr Eugene Seah, Managing Director,
Surbana Technologies, Surbana Jurong Group
Northeast Community Development Council
Mr Kelvin Tong, General Manager, Northeast
Community Development Council and an NYAA Silver
Award holder, continues to serve the community
in partnership with the NYAA. Mr Tong offered
many opportunities for NYAA participants to serve
the community in North East District. Many NYAA
recipients gained better insights into the ground
issues through these platforms.
Mr Kelvin Tong, NYAA Silver Award holder.